Cheerful gramophone records
Songs by Stanford, sung by Peter Dawson (baritone), and male chorus. (Gramophone records)
Gramophone records
at the organ of the Odeon, Leicester Square
and her Singing Troubadour. Presented by David Miller
Darnau difyr at y bore, sef pennill ac englyn a chân, gydag ambell stori ddigrif. Y rhaglen dan ofal
John Griffiths. (Welsh light programme)
Sidney Davey and his Players
and his Band, with Harry Davis , featuring Diane, Bobby Young ,
Alan Dean , Terry Devon , Sid Wright with his novachord, and Monte Rey
at the theatre organ plays ' Popular Hits of the Moment'
Movements from instrumental trios and quartets, on gramophone records
Lunch-time entertainment for factory workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
Ravmond Gram Swing (Recording of Saturday's broadcast)
(Recording of last night's broadcast)
and his Orchestra
Eric Winstone and his Band
Gramophone records, arranged and presented by John Foreman
Conductor, Guy Warrack
Variety entertainment for the Forces by the Forces, with the Scottish Variety Orchestra, conducted by Ronnie Munro. Devised by Captain Archibald McCulloch. Produced by Howard M. Lockhart
with his Orchestra and artists
Questions on current affairs from men and women in the Forces, answered by experts
Fuel Flash for housewives, and National and Regional announcements
read by Colin Wills
read by Arthur Heighway
read by Cyril Watling
Nineteenth of a series of gramophone programmes presented by Compton Mackenzie
Conducted by Leslie Heward .
Fifth of a new series of gramophone programmes of well-loved music, arranged and presented by Doris Arnold
from the Hippodrome, Preston
The fighting spirit of Britain. Dramatic presentation of the British people at war, past and present. ' Front Line First-Aid', the story of a seventeen-year-old Dover Ranger. Written by Roy Burnham. Arranged and. produced by Brigid Maas
Concert-party show, devised by Harry S. Pepper, with George Doonan, Suzette Tarri, Sidney Burchall, Helen Hill, Clarence Wright, Alan Paul and James Moodie at the pianos. The Follies Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent. Script written by Dick Pepper. Produced by Jacques Brown
Short story by Olive Shapley , read by Gladys Young. (Previously broadcast on September 5, 1941)
Barry Ostlere and Shepherd Band, conducted by John Faulds. (Recording of the broadcast on October 31)