to the Imperial and Allied Forces in the United Kingdom (recording), followed by 'REVEILLE!'
Cheerful gramophone records
Records of Sam Coslow, American song writer, singing his own songs
one year ago
Popular records of June 1941
Scottish Variety Orchestra (conductor, Ronnie Munro ), with Jae Fraser , Ann Rich , and Ian Gourlay
Recording of last Friday's broadcast
Interlude : records
Conducted by Lieut. S. Rhodes ,
Director of Music, Scots Guards
and his Music, with Jack Cooper
Presented by Balraj Sahni. ' India Calling ' : personal messages from India to the members of H.M. Forces in Great Britain
Punjabi Geets , sung by Suresh, Saigal,
Surendra, and Wahidan Bai
Maia, sung by Batish, Ilahi Jan , and Umrazia Begum
Gazals, sung by Barkat Ali , Miss Bali, and Mohammad Ali
Film song : Sohag ki Rat, sung by Paharhi
from St. Philip's Church, Rugby. Conducted by the Rev. H. W. Baines
Gramosaic in which you hear the recorded voice of Joseph Macleod. Compiled and presented by Frederick Piffard
Hawaiian music in the modern style
(New series, No. 4). Presented by Basil Adams and David Miller.
Specially recorded show, featuring Mary Livingstone , Don Wilson , Dennis Day , Phil Harris with his Orchestra, and Jack Benny
Recording of last night's broadcast
Presented by James Moody
Weekly entertainment presented by the Canadian Forces from a Palais de Danse in the South of England. High lights are the songs of L.A.C. Ted Hockridge , Private Bill Smith , and the Smoothies, with the music of Sergeant Stan Sheddon and the Canucks Orchestra, and the Rhythm Ranch Boys. ' Services Spotlight '. This week's star guest is George Lacy. Produced and introduced by Gerry Wilmot
Talk by the Rev. Laurens Sargent
Harry Leader and his Band
Conducted by Harold Lowe
answering ' Any Questions ? '. Special recording of last Tuesday's session, when a guest, sitting in a New York studio, helped the Brains Trust to answer listeners' questions. From America : Ralph Ingersoll ; from London : Jennie Lee , Dr. Julian Huxley , Dr. C. E. M. Joad , Commander A. B. Campbell. Question-Master, Donald McCullough. Producer, Howard Thomas
with ' Blitz and Pieces' : a National Fire Service concert party from the Granville Theatre, Walham Green at 5.0
for your train at Waterloo Station, London. An everyday scene at the great terminus during which gramophone music is played between announcements and the rush and scurry of station traffic. With the co-operation of the Southern Railway, you hear the voice of the regular station announcer. Devised and written by Alfred Dunning.
star of stage and screen, makes a personal appearance at the microphone
Interlude : records
Soldiers off duty take the stage in concerts organised by the Army Home Commands. 7-British and Allied Forces in Northern Ireland. Featuring bands, a soldier composer, and other solo items by artists in uniform. From a theatre in Northern Ireland
The week's news as seen from London, including reviews of new films by Lilian, Duff
Conducted by the Rev. Peter N. Wansey , C.F., from an Army Unit in Central Scotland
Tribute to the week's outstanding worker on the War Front. Arranged in collaboration with the Ministry of Supply, and produced by Leonard Cottrell
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
During which Joe Linnane , Peggy
Dell, James Moody , and a few of their musical friends compare musical notes. Presented by Jimmy Dyren forth.
followed by a postscript
with Jean Kennedy , Randolph Sutton , Nat Mills and Bobbie Vincent , H. Tildsley 's Mastersingers, and Naughton and Gold. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Introduced by Norman Wooland. Presented by John Sharman
'The fruit of the spirit is peace.'
Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise ; Romans 12, vv. 1-5, 9-18, 21
0 Lord, how happy should we be; St. John 16, v. 33
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in the United Kingdom (recording), followed by GERALDO and his Orchestra, with Beryl Davis, Georgin'a, Len Camber, George Evans, Derek Roy, the Singing
Sweethearts, and Three Boys and a Girl