to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by ' REVEILLE!'
Cheerful gramophone records
Records of Teddy Grace, singer of blues
five years ago
Popular .records of April 1937
Records taken at random from the rack
at the organ of the Gaumont State, Kilburn
Recording of last Saturday's broadcast
Percival Mackey and his Band
or 'Whistle while you work'. Rhythmic records for housewives
Part songs for men's voices. BBC Men's Chorus : conductor, Leslie Woodgate
and his Band with Pat McCormac , Bette Rqberts , Don Rivers and Harry Kaye
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
Short story written for broadcasting by Eric Allen , and read by Joy North
Conducted by William J. Matthews
Revue-ette featuring Doris Hare with the Norman Brooks Berkeley Sextet. Presented by Leslie Bridgmont
and his music, with Mervyn Saunders
Oscar Grasso and his Orchestra
Programme of records featuring Woody Herman and his Orchestra, compiled by Hector Stewart
Broadcasts to the Forces on the world at war. How we pay for the war' : introduced by Macdonald Hastings
with Marjorie Westbury, Courtney Hope, Godfrey Baseley, Philip Garston-Jones, and Jack Wilson and his Versatile Five. Produced by Martyn C. Webster
at the theatre organ
Special twice-weekly radio magazine for men and girls in Anti-Aircraft and Balloon Barrage units. ' The Squadron Troubadours ', a Northern Balloon Barrage . concert party ; gardening tips by the experts from Radio Allotment ; and the ' Ack-Ack, .Beer-Beer' favourite, Carol Raye (by permission of Firth Shephard ) in ' Carol's Songbag'. Editor, Bill MacLurg
National and Regional announcements
presents Jack Teagarden , America's foremost exponent of the trombone and number one" blues singer. Record programme written by Douglas Enefer , and presented by Harry Parry.
and his Orchestra, with Dorothy Carless , Len Camber , George Evans , Derek Roy , and Three Boys and a Girl
with some of the Home Guard, somewhere in England, in a sing-song conducted by Leslie Woodgate. Joseph Farrington (bass). At the piano, John Wills
Hogsnorton calling ! on a wavelength of I gas-meter
At various times the BBC has relayed programmes by courtesy of every broad
* casting system in the world save one—the Hogsnorton Station. Tonight this regrettable omission is to be remedied, thanks to the kind co-operation of that good friend of both parties, Mr. Gillie Potter.
' A.D. 33 ' BBC Singers, Alec Robertson , and Trevor Harvey
Master of Ceremonies, Clay Keyes , Richard Goolden as Old Ebenezer, with Gladys Keyes as Martha,. ' The Court of Melody.' This week's famous visitors, Elsie and Doris Waters. ' Can you beat the band ? ' Town Hall Orchestra, under the direction of Billy Tement. Weekly meetings organised by Gladys and Clay Keyes and presented by Eric Spear
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by JOE LOSS and his Band with Pat McCormac , Bette Roberts , Don Rivers , and Harry Kaye