A cheerful selection of gramophone records
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
More records of gramophone stars in the Civil Defence Services
Arranged by Sam Heppner
Darnau difyr at y bore
Sef, pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif
Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths
(A Welsh light programme)
played by Primo Scala 's Accordion Band
Directed by Harry Bidgood
Today's anniversaries recalled by Christopher Stone and S. P. B. Mais
at the theatre organ
The Dartford march, which Reginald New is broadcasting by request, was composed by him in 1938-half-way through his time of four years as organist at the State Cinema, Dartford. Four thousand of his followers there formed themselves into a fan club, and this march became its signature tune, preceding and closing its social functions, especially dances.
The war came, and many of the fans donned uniform in the Royal West Kents. Hence the Dartford march, with the inevitable addition of an Army lyric, became a soldiers' marching tune, sung by many who came back from Dunkirk.
30-Alec Pleon
The interviewer, Wilfred Pickles
Produced by Richard North
with Dorothe Morrow
(A recording of Monday's broadcast)
Time, Greenwich, at 2.0
played by The Irish Rhythms Orchestra, conducted by David Curry with songs by George Beggs
in another one-woman revue
' A lady-alone goes to Hollywood '
At the piano, Ronnie James
Produced by Tom Dawson
played by Leslie Simpson at the theatre organ
Talks for the Armed Forces on current events and current affairs
News commentary
Our Allies: 8-Belgium
4.40 Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Cheshire
The industrial areas by Donald Blythe
' 4.50 East Midlands by Godfrey Baseley
followed by National and Regional announcements
at the theatre organ
Expert advice on popular games
I-Snooker simplified by Joe Davis , World Champion 1927-
Lesson 2-How to pot
Joe Davis , world's snooker champion from 1927 to 1941, is providing a peak-interest radio series by giving snooker lessons (this is the second) to Raymond Glendenning , who actually practises the shots while the broadcast goes on, and does so with a cue he had specially made for him for what the millions of snooker players throughout the country would call the chance of a life-time.
In a Radio Times article last week the great Joe told listeners all about snooker which has swept the country in recent years and has made the centuries-old parent game of billiards almost a back number.
A weekly summary of Australian news, specially presented for Australians in this country and read by Colin Wills
with Roy Rich
Sailors, Soldiers, Airmcn-
What's your favourite melody ?
Tell Roy Rich the title on a post-card addressed to : ' Record Time ', Broadcasting House, London, W.I.
From a Scottish theatre
Athene Seyler makes her bow in revue
Devised by Debroy Somers as a tribute in song and music to the people of Scotland featuring
Debroy Somers and his Band and A Scots piper and chorus
Compere, Joseph Macleod
Sylvia Handed Kathleen Heppell , and their Sextet
Produced by David Miller
at the theatre organ
From a hotel in the South
Listen to
Wheeler and Wilson
Naunton Wayne
Marylin Williams
Dance to
Harry Evans and his Dance Band
Presented by Leslie Bridgmont