A cheerful selection of gramophone records
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records
Damau difyr at y bore
Sef, pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif
Y rhaglen .dan ofal John Griffiths
(A Welsh light programme)
played by Robin Richmond at the theatre organ
Today's anniversaries recalled by Christopher Stone
. and his Band
A programme of gramophone records of famous sportsmen
Devised and presented by John Polwarth
A lunch-time concert presented to their fellow workers by members of the staff of a large munition works
' somewhere in England '
Arranged and presented by Victor Smythe
A Variety programme of artists new to the microphone
Produced by Richard North
at the theatre organ
and his Orchestra
played by Billy Ternent and the Dance Orchestra
Talks for the armed Forces on current events and current affairs
News commentary
Our Allies: 7-Czechoslovakia
4.40 West Midlands by Godfrey Baseley
4.50 South Wales by J. C. Griffith Jones
and his Dance Orchestra
with Helen Hill
The Dance Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent
Continuity by Aubrey Dan vers-Walker
Presented by Michael North
at the theatre organ
Expert advice on popular games
I-Snooker simplified by Joe Davis , World Champion 1927-
Lesson I-Stance and correct cueing
A weekly summary of Australian news, specially presented for Australians in this country and read by Colin Wills
with Roy Rich
Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen-
What's your favourite melody ?
Tell Roy Rich the title on -a postcard addressed to: ' Record Time', Broadcasting House, London, W.l.
Cornet solos played by Harry Mortimer , of Foden's Motor
Works Band
The star of this evening's brass-band programme began his career at the early age of ten and won his first competition a year later. Harry Mortimer comes of a musical family and is the eldest son of Fred Mortimer , conductor of Foden's Motor Works Band.
John Watt introduces a kaleidoscope of recollections and revivals with Jack Melford , Betty Astell
A section of the BBC Chorus and BBC Revue Orchestra
Leader, Boris Pecker
Conducted by Hyam Greenbaum
Produced by Gordon Crier
with Geraldo and his Concert Orchestra
from a theatre in the West with Bryan Michie and his Discoveries
Archie Glen , Alice and Rosie Lloyd ,
Joe King
with George Scott-Wood and his
Grand Accordion Band
Compere, Gerry Wilmot
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater