A cheerful selection of gramophone records
Records of the Andrews Sisters, the rhythm harmony trio
Popular artists and bands fall in for Your entertainment on gramophone records
to records of Andre Kostelanetz and his Orchestra
Today's anniversaries recalled by Christopher Stone and S. P. B. Mais
and his
London Coliseum Orchestra
A glimpse of preparations for the broadcast from a Northern music-hall this evening
An ENSA concert for war-workers with Helen McKay , Stanelli, Arthur Salisbury and the Savoy Hotel
Orchestra, with Victor Lyndon
by Admiral Sir Michael Hodges ,
(A recording of last night's broadcast)
at the theatre organ
' Valiant stormers ' by Major J. T. Gorman
A programme with the BBC Military
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
Narrator, Tom Dawson
Records with the accent on the singer rather than on the band
played by Billy Ternent and the Dance Orchestra
at the theatre organ
Teams of Canadian soldiers, sailors, and airmen will again compete in a ' quiz ' competition conducted by Gerry Wilmot
with Marjorie Westbury, Alan Robinson, Courtney Hope, Lester Mudditt
Produced by Martyn C. Webster
A programme of gramophone records presented by Walter Legge
followed by National and Regional announcements
Famous sporting memories recalled
4-Association football
The Cup Finals
Personalities remembered and incidents reconstructed with the help of recordings
A programme of requests designed to unite members of the Forces with their relatives and friends at home
by Norman Edwards
No. 3—'A tough proposition '
Produced by Howard Rose
Belinda Lou , in this exploit, tracks down the perpetrator of a singularly gruesome crime. Murder will out. And the one thing the murderer cannot get rid of is the body. This cold-blooded and to some extent original villain, who boasts the name of Goody, tumbles on a novel way of trying to do it. But it is not novel enough for Belinda Lou.
A parlour game by E. M. P. Coles , presented by Neil Munro
At 7.55 John Watt , Director of Variety will announce the results of the fourth Prize Puzzle Corner, which was broadcast on March 8 and 10.
Variety with Charlie Kunz from a Northern theatre
Charlie Kunz had his own band at the Chez Henri Club for three or four years before going to Casani's and becoming famous. In the days when listeners filled the columns of ' What the Other Listener Thinks ' with passionate letters naming their favourite dance band, Charlie's name appeared as often as any. When Casani's closed down a few years ago, he branched out on his own as a single act on the halls.
with some of the troops in England in a sing-song
Conducted by Leslie Woodgate
At the piano, Joseph Cooper
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conducted by Reginald Burston
from a ballroom in the West of Scotland
Famous bands playing popular dance tunes on gramophone records
at the theatre organ