A cheerful selection of gramophone records
Ronald Chesney, the harmonica virtuoso, playing popular tunes on gramophone records
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records
played by BBC Salon Orchestra
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
reminds us of today's anniversaries
19-Billy Danvers
The interviewer, Wilfred Pickles
Produced by Richard North
An ENSA midday concert for war-workers
Compiled from recordings by Cecil Madden
'Serenade for strings'
A programme of familiar light classical music performed by an all-string orchestra. Presented in collaboration with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
to records of Glen Miller and his Orchestra
and his Music
Second edition of the BBC's £100 Radio Competition in aid of the Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund, with Ronnie Waldman as Master of Ceremonies
Compiled and presented by Neil Munro
These were the prizewinners in Prize
Puzzle Corner, No. 1 : Miss Joan Crooks , [address removed]Yorkshire ; H. V. Hall ,[address removed]Cambs.; Mrs. E. Lockley, [address removed]Stafford ; Miss P. Marshall , [address removed] Essex; Mrs. Reid, [address removed]Shropshire ; Miss Adelaide Stewart , [address removed] Northumberland.
with The Three in Harmony accompanied by the Hula Players
Musical arrangements by James
Compere, Hugh Shirreff
Produced by James Dyrenforth
A radio magazine with sport, news, interest, and entertainment for men in Anti-Aircraft, Balloon Barrage, and Searchlight units
Today's edition includes:
' Twelfth Night and all that '
Jack Train returns to the microphone
Captain Cuttle's ' Sports quiz '
' What shall I be ? '-a guide to post-war careers with Stop-press items, musical features, and contributions by men in Ack-
Ack, Beer-Beer units
Editors, Bill MacLurg and Howard Thomas
' ENSA at home to sailors '
Hostess: Beatrice Lillie , and guest artists
The programme arranged in co-operation with NAAFI
A fortnightly summary of New Zealand news specially presented for
New Zealanders in this country
featuring Geraldo and his Orchestra with Dorothy Carless , Len Camber , Margaret Eaves , Mervyn Saunders , and the Geraldo chorus
in ' Dandy Dreams Again'
A cartoon invented by John Watt , written by C. Denier Warren and Ted Kavanagh , lyrics by James Dyrenforth , music by Henry Reed
Augmented Revue Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum
Produced by Gordon Crier
(by kind permission of C. B. Cochrati)
Book by A. P. Herbert. Music by Oscar Straus. Radio adaptation by Henrik Ege with Betty Astell
Reginald Purdell
Ewart Scott
Hugh Morton
BBC Chorus and BBC Revue Orchestra, under the direction of Hyam Greenbaum
Produced by Eric Fawcett
A concert performed and presented by members of the R.A.S.C. from somewhere in England
A weekly summary by the Canadian Press of Canadian news, specially presented for the Canadians in this country and read by Gerry Wilmot
(In collaboration with the CBC and the Canadian Press)