A new series for younger children.
For Schools
Previously shown on Tuesday
(to 10.00)
Four programmes on young people in France today presented in French.
For Schools
Previously shown on Monday
(to 10.30)
For the very young
David Enders tells the story.
Sam and Elizabeth Williams make the pictures
BBC film
(to 11.00)
For Schools
Previously shown on Wednesday
(to 11.30)
Hugh Ross Williamson describes the troubled times of Elizabeth I. He shows the priest-hole at Ingatestone Hall where John Paine was hidden, and describes what part Sir John Petre and the men of Ingatestone played in the defence of England in 1538.
For Schools
Repeated on Friday at 10.2 a.m.
(to 11.55)
News in Welsh.
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
Edrychwn ymhell ac yn agos Drwy ffilm a thrwy drafod
Daw Cymru a'r byd i'r aelwyd I'ch difyrru
Wrth eich cinlo
Y cyflwynydd, OWEN EDWARDB Y cynhyrchu. IFOR
Today: a topical magazine.
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
Man has always sung. A songless race has never been discovered. But the 'pop' music of various ages has differed profoundly. What sort of pop song did they have in Elizabethan England? In medieval Ireland? In Victorian times? In prehistory? In the thirties? And how does our own pop music measure up beside it?
The Past: Raymond Clausen, Dominic Behan, Robert Spencer
The Present: Alan Freeman, Benny Green, Christopher Logue, Larry Parnes
Pop music by Beverley Jones and The Mysterions
Interviewers, Elaine Grand, Kenneth Kendall
Introduced by Leonard Maguire.
(to 14.00)
People - Politics - Problems in the news
A topical programme for older children.
For Schools
(Repeated on Friday at 11.5 a.m.)
(The subject for next week will be announced at the end of this programme.)
A second chance to see the film series about Cyrus the Seahorse and his friend Bartholomew the Shrimp
Written and narrated by Oliver Postgate.
Far, far away in the Western Sea there was a rock, and sometimes when the tide was low the happy mermaid would go and sit there singing her song-but one day something terrible happened.
Pinky and Perky invite you to join them with John Slater as Poppa Luigi at The Pop-In
Another chance to see the series first broadcast last year.
Devised and written by Margaret Potter.
in which David Nixon entertains some young friends to twenty-five minutes of tricks and magic and invites you to join him and his guest of the week, Robert Harbin.
See page 39
A daily presentation of news and views from London and the South-East.
Introduced by Michael Aspel.
followed by The Weather
or The Cool D.J. Show with David Jacobs.
The disc show with a difference... music interpreted on ice by Basil Cudlipp-Green and Toni Congdon, Tony Holies and Joyce Coates, Alex McGowan, Heather Moir, Thelma Perry, John Slater and Joan Dewhirst.
From the Midlands
Look around with Cliff Michelmore, Derek Hart, Alan Whicker, Fyfe Robertson, Trevor Philpott, Macdonald Hastings, Christopher Brasher, Julian Pettifer, Brian Redhead and Jill Freedman.
A series by Hazel Adair and Peter Ling.
While Susan's good nature puts her in a spot, Karen enchants a new victim. Bruce overhears Gerald Brock man's views on marriage and freedom. Ken Hawkins relives a terrifying ordeal.
See page 39
Written by Vince Powell and Frank Roscoe.
A second showing of The Handyman
Starring Harry Worth
with William Mervyn, Sam Kydd, Colin Douglas, Geoffrey Hibbert, Doris Gambell, Joe Gladwin, Jack Woolgar, Leslie Clark
From the North
by Robert Barr.
The special squadrons needed moonlight to fly into occupied countries on their secret operations.
Anatole is known to the Germans as 'the biggest bandit of the lot'. When his radio operator is arrested he plans an audacious rescue.
A look into the next twenty-five years.
Another chance to see this BBC documentary by Don Haworth.
See page 39
with Robert McKenzie
A weekly programme about People and Politics.
The views of one of the most revered men of our time, as expressed in his life and in his remarkably radical thoughts on religion and the world.
Commentary selected from Schweitzer's own words spoken by Michael Redgrave.