Conducted in the Parish Church of Kirkby-in-Malhamdale, Yorkshire by the Rt. Rev. Donald Coggan, Bishop of Bradford.
The Approach to the Church
Hail thee, festival day (E.H. 624)
The strife is o'er (E.H. 625)
At the Entrance to the Church
Collect for Easter Day
At the Font
St. John 21, vv. 16-17
Jesus Christ is risen today (E.H. 133)
At the Chancel Step
St. John 10. w. 9 and 10
Alleluia, sing to Jesus (E.H. 301)
At the Altar
St. John 10, w. 11-16
The Day of Resurrection (E.H. 137)
In the Churchyard
St. John 20. w. 24-31
Jesus lives (E.H. 134)
The Choir of Ermysted's Grammar School, Skipton under its conductor, John Brown
(to 11.30)
His Holiness the Pope appears on a balcony outside St. Peter's, Rome, to make an address and to give his Easter Blessing 'Urbi et Orbi'.
Presented by courtesy of Radio-televisione Italiana
(to 12.20)
A second showing of the series in which Dr. Hans Hass and his wife present films shot during their explorations below the sea.
Rae Jenkins introduces and conducts Songs for the Asking.
with Elizabeth Larner, Joan Sutherland, Trevor Anthony and Bruce Trent.
The Penarth Ladies Choir
(Chorus-Master, Hubert C. Williams)
The Royal Welsh Male Choir
(Chorus-Master, Tom Griffiths)
and the BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway)
Guest, Tony Britton
Interviewer, Joan Gilbert
(Joan Sutherland appears by permission of the General Administrator, Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Ltd.)
See page 4
[Starring] George Burns and Gracie Allen in the film Brother Roger
meets every Sunday afternoon to answer questions sent in by viewers.
The members this week-are: Alan Bullock, James Fisher, C. P. Snow, Pamela Hansford Johnson.
Question-Master: Bernard Braden
Questions should be addressed to: The Brains Trust. [address removed]
The leader of a gang of bank-robbers, in desperate flight from the sheriff, hides the stolen money on a disused ranch. Later, when the gang try to regain the spoils, they come up against Ricky and his friends.
with Harry Corbett.
A serial in eight parts adapted for television from the book by E. Nesbit and produced by Dorothea Brooking.
The action of the serial takes place in the year 1906.
Hilda Porter of Methodist International House brings two friends, from Ghana and from South India, to talk about how Easter is celebrated in their countries.
(to 18.15)
See foot of page
(BBC telerecording of the broadcast on April 1, 1956)
Written and produced by Joy Harington.
The last episode in a cycle of plays on the Life of Our Lord.
At 6.45
The Chief Priests tried Jesus and found him guilty of blasphemy. But since it was not lawful for the Jews to put a man to death they took Jesus to Pontius Pilate the Roman governor... And Pilate delivered Jesus to be crucified.
[Starring] Jeannie Carson in the comedy film series Hey, Jeannie!
Jeannie joins the W.A.C.s by mistake and becomes involved in a comedy of love in the U.S. Army.
by Dorothy and Campbell Christie
[Starring] Mervyn Johns and Hugh Sinclair
with Shirley Eaton
The action of the play takes place in the British-governed Island of Salva during the year 1948.
(Shirley Eaton appears by permission of the Rank Organisation; Harold Katon is appearing in "Camino Real" at the Phoenix Theatre, London; Michael Segal is appearing in "No Time for Sergeants" at Her Majesty's Theatre, London)
See facing page and page 4
presents Winifred Atwell with her piano and her other piano.
(Winifred Atwell appears by permission of Bernard Delfont)
A series of six films of authentic clothes from the Museum of Costume at Eridge Castle, Sussex.
The cast includes: Sir Basil Bartlett, Jeanne Heal, Lady Rose Bligh, Robert Kennedy, Elizabeth Cruft, Marghanita Laski, Miles Eason, Mary Malcolm, Camilla Hasse, Ron Moody, Lady Moorea Hastings, Vanessa Redgrave, Jeremy Hawk, Irene Worth.
(A BBC Television Film)
See page 5
At the piano, Patrick Harvey
The Rev. Donald Soper, Ph.D. speaks of the events of the first Easter Day and their effect throughout the centuries.
followed by Weather and Close Down