A magazine for dog owners.
Introduced by James Buchan.
Choosing your Puppy
The Heavy Brigade
Pick of the Strays
Correction and Reward
Pick of the Post-Bag
Problem Corner
"The Biter Cured"
with John Holmes.
From Glasgow
Kingfish finds that honesty brings its problems too.
Introduced by Humphrey Lestocq and Mr. Turnip.
Box of Tricks with Geoffrey Robinson.
Musical Adventures with Henry Zeisel and his Orchestra.
Can We Help You?
by Desmond O'Donovan.
[Starring] Peter Hawkins
with James Ottaway as "Clibber", Raymond Rollett as "Sly".
Rolf Harris with Willoughby
(to 18.00)
On behalf of the Conservative Party given by The Rt. Hon. Sir Anthony Eden, KG, MC, MP.
Interesting people who are In Town Tonight interviewed by John Ellison.
(Simultaneous broadcast with the London, Midland, North, and West of England Home Services)
A series of six plays by Berkely Mather.
The action takes place in the delicatessen of Giuseppe Luccini. Time: the present.
Berkely Mather writes on page 4
Jon Pertwee goes Round the Bend with Dawn White and her Glamazons, Ken Morris, Bill Pertwee, Peter Haigh and the first appearance on British television of Carmen y Mario from Barcelona and The Sensational Tarragonas from Morocco.
Come with Robert Beatty 'The Man with the Mike'.
See things happen! When they happen! Where they happen!
This week's programme presented from Wales by Dafydd Gruffydd
Today's Sport on your Screen Tonight
BBC Outside Broadcast and Sportsview Unit film cameras bring you a nation-wide coverage of today's sporting highlights.
Introduced by Kenneth Wolstenholme.
A film series based on the early beginnings of the cinema
This week's edition includes "A Dash Through the Clouds" - a stirring drama made in 1912 when flying, too, was in its infancy.