Long-jump and pole vault qualifying events
The morning's events include:
Springboard Diving (men)
Water Polo
(to 12.00)
The afternoon's events include:
2.30 100 m. semi-final
3.15 800 m. semi-final
3.30 400 m. hurdles final
3.45 100 m. final
Springboard Diving (women)
200 m. breast-stroke (women)
Water Polo
(to 16.00)
During the programme viewers see the finish of the 50,000 metres walk.
(to 18.00)
The evening session includes:
100 m. free-style (women) semi-finals
400 m. free-style (men)
Water Polo
Television's New Nightspot where you will meet:
Douglas Byng, Maurice Rocco, Kathleen Moody, Alfred Marks, The Henderson Twins, Eddie Vitch, The Three Just Men, The Rooftop Lovelies: Thelma Baker, Freda Lansley, Mamie Whittaker, Yvonne Lahee, Pat Benny, Renee Trew, Jack Jackson and the Rendezvous Orchestra
(sound only)
(to 22.15)