Transmission from Wimbledon will continue throughout the day. Because of the great interest in the finals-the climax of the Wimbledon fortnight - Children's Television will not be broadcast today or tomorrow.
by Michael and Roland Pertwee.
Leslie Welch answers questions put to him by Oxford University and Cambridge University cricket teams.
Referee, McDonald Hobley
Down the Dart
Waterborne cameras take viewers on a two-mile pleasure cruise.
A contrast of views on film.
Introduced by Charles Wheeler.
A BBC television film of some of the highlights of the day's play at Wimbledon, including the men's singles final.
[Starring] Bernard Braden
featuring Benny Lee, Pearl Carr, Graham Stark, The Knightingales, Nat Temple and his Orchestra.
Fifth of six weekly programmes
Written and produced by John Knight and Alvin Rakoff.
A short film commemorating Canada's National Day.
Produced with the assistance of the Royal Canadian Air Force
(sound only)