(to 12.00)
Introduced by Bertie Hare.
with Deveen (the distinguished deceiver) and the New York Blondes, Morgan Davies (the musical comedy singer), Daphne Keif (soprano songs), The Three Spallas (adagio dancers), Ena Baga (piano impressions).
Eric Robinson and his Orchestra
On the sheep farms of Australia.
(a film)
(to 16.00)
A visit to the Regal Cinema, Edmonton, to see the Gaumont British Picture Corporation's stage Variety show.
with Afrique (The popular impressionist star) (At the piano, Bob Marshall), Woods and Jarrett (those two dark gentlemen), Melville and Retter (comedy jugglers), The Flying Demos (thrilling aerial act), Eddie Molloy (the irrepressible comedian), Florence Whiteley's Six Zio Angels (rhythmic perfection).
Tableau by recent winners of local Gaumont British Beauty Contests
A documentary programme for television.
Written and produced by Michael Barry.
Among those taking part are - Basil Dawson, Milton Rosmer, Andrew Osborn, Jeannette Tregarthen, Una Venning, H. G. Stoker, Ronald Long, Stafford Byrne, Richard Shayne, Paul Martin, Morris Sweden, John Warner, Norman Webb, Merelina Watts, Richard Pearson, Marguerite Young, John Gatrell, Adrian Waller, Victor Platt, Hugh Paddick, Frederick Davies, Sheila Raynor, and Stuart Latham. The narrator is Andre van Gyseghem.
Acknowledgments are due to: Dr. Douglas Guthrie, F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.S.E.; Dr. Ronald MacKeith, D.M., Oxford, M.R.C.P., and the Scientific Film Society; the Dean of the Medical College and the Governors and Staff of St. Bartholomew's Hospital; and the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, for help and guidance in the preparation of this programme.
At present many young men and women want to be doctors - far more than the medical schools can take. This programme shows what happens to the student who does gain admittance, and attempts to outline the tradition of medical teaching describing the legacy of knowledge that is handed from generation to generation. Only a few of the many great names can be remembered. Among them are Joseph Lister, Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, John Hunter, Laennec, Ambroise Pare, Vesalius, Galen, and Hippocrates.
Second performance of the programme of May 20
(Sheila Raynor appears by permission of Two Cities Films, Ltd.)
(sound only)
(to 22.30)