With Pamela Watson, Yolande Proctor, Alex Passavant.
"White Lady" to music by Ravel
"The Locust" to a Maori Folk Song, arranged by Wilfred Thomas
"Palinesque", to music (Burmese bells)
"Grief", to music by Gluck (Solo violin, Boris Pecker)
The BBC Television Orchestra
Leader, Boris Pecker
Conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
Masks have played a big part in the history of the drama. Today in Japan and other Eastern countries masked players are still to be found. In England, however, the first modern presentation took place only last April, when Mr. and Mrs. Passavant gave a show in a London studio. It was so popular that regular performances are now given. Little speech is used, and when it is it usually comes from the lips of an unseen narrator.
The various stages in the construction of Radio Transmitter Valves, described by Leslie Mitchell.
Cabaret Artist
The BBC Television Orchestra
Conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
At the close of this afternoon's programme a chart arranged in co-operation with the Air Ministry will forecast the weather.
The various stages in the construction of Radio Transmitter Valves, described by Leslie Mitchell.
Cabaret Artist
The BBC Television Orchestra
Conductor, Hyam Greenbaum
Suzanne McClay has featured in several sound broadcasts both in home and Empire programmes. She is young, petite, and pretty. Her singing career began only a little over a year ago. Already she has made a hit in cabaret, both in Paris and in London. She can sing 'straight' songs and 'blues', and is an outstandingly good diseuse. For some time she was a dress designer in America.