With music and chat.
Start the day with the man with the Ugly Mug. Show more
James Hazell
General election reaction, Treehouse update, Girls Talk
3 hours, 30 minutes on BBC Radio Suffolk
As the final counts are declared for the 2010 General Election, James will be bringing you the latest updates and reaction from across Suffolk. Show more
Pakenham Water mill has a food event, Philippe, the landlord of the White Horse pub in Badingham, has a recipe for the weekend, and playwright Tony Ramsey on the sofa. Dolphins dart hits Gt. Wenham. Show more
With news and all sorts of music.
A look ahead to the weekend with the sports team.
Evening entertainment. Call in on 0845 30 50 007 (local call rate).
Call in on 0845 30 50 007 (local call rate).
News, sport and entertainment including Up All Night.