Presented by Brian Redhead and John Humphrys
6.30, 7.30, 8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News With PETER DAY
7.00,8.00 Today's News Read by CLIVE ROSLIN
7.25* 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
8.35* Yesterday in Parliament
A medium to other people's worlds
Producer ANGLE NEHRING. Stereo
This week the team visits
Southport, where members ot the Southport and District Gardening Society put their queries to Dr Stefan Buczacki
Fred Downham and Tom Leigh. Chairman Clay Jones Producer DIANA STENSON BBC Manchester
Plant lists and topical tips are displayed on Ceefaxpage 188
Homes Fires Burning by VAL HARRISON
Read by Fleur Chandler Producer MITCH RAPER
NEM, p 30; Forty days and forty nights (BBC HB 341); Psalm 142; Luke 4, w 1-13; Lord, teach us how to pray aright (BBC HB 344) Stereo
In which Fritz Spiegl continues the story of composers' romantic attachments. 'Haydn's Wife' was the nickname unjustly given to
Boccherini, while Haydn s real wife was one in name only - and his mistress remained unattainable.
Presented by Malcolm Stacey If you are concerned about health, education, housing or financial matters, or if you are the victim of incompetent or unhelpful traders or authorities, write to: You and Yours, BBC, London WIA 4WW
by STEPHEN SHERIDAN 1: A Dinner Party
It is the end of the 19th century. A time of prosperity, peace and tranquillity. And nowhere is more prosperous, peaceful and tranquil than Fallen Arches, for generations the country retreat of the Cliffhanger family.
Producer MARK ROBSON. Stereo
(Broadcaston Saturday at 11,00pm) 0 HEAR THIS! page 20
Presented by Nick Worrall
1.55 Listening Corner Today's story: Hettie the Hurricane. Stereo
2.05 WPFM Radical youth radio with a live mix of music, opinion, youth politics, innovative new courses and training schemes. Presented by TERRY CHRISTIAN Stereo (e). Call [number removed] free from 2.15-3.15pm for more information on programme items
'Dear Woman 's Hour,
What happened to all those lovely items about cookery, clothes, children, home-making and women like us?'
Answer: They're still there.
Check it out with Jenni Murray and guests.
Serial: Corporal Jack (8)
by HARRY BARTON based on the recollections of JOHN WILLIE BARKER
2: Dinah in the Wrennery
VJ day in the Pacific: Lt Guy Lambert and PO Tim Straw sit on the hot steel roof of a battleship and remember when they ran a godforsaken submarine base in Scotland. It was here Tim became obsessed with work, women and Dinah Lee.
Directed by ROBERT COOPER BBC Manchester. Stereo
The second of five programmes in which George MacBeth talks to Fiona Pitt-Kethley about her life and poetry.
Producer ALEC REID. BBC Bristol
Major issues, changing attitudes, important events at home and abroad
Reporter Bridget Kendall Producer GUDRUN DALIBOR Editor BRIAN WALKER BBC Manchester
The Day Before the Hammer Last December the prize-winning young Belfast pianist Barry Douglas faced a formidable challenge - putting on record his interpretation of Beethoven's Hammerklavier Sonata. This is not only the longest but the most difficult of his piano sonatas, with dazzling trills and challenging tempo markings.
Michael Oliver talked to
Barry Douglas on the eve of the recording.
Presented by Frances Coverdale and Bill Frost
5.00,5.30* News Summary
5.25* PM Letters
5.31* City News continued on FM 5.50-5.55
Half an hour of reports from the BBC correspondents around the world including Financial Report
A series of 12 horror and suspense plays, introduced by Edward de Souza , the Man in Black
7: By the River, Fontainebleau by STEPHEN GALLAGHER with and A young painter's obsession with a potential model leads him into a world of degradation and self-disgust.
Directed by MARTIN JENKINS Stereo
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 1.40pm)
with John Waite and his team
(Details tomorrow at 9. 05am L W)
The gripping story of one man's fight to establish Britain's first communist football club. Stereo
A six-part inquiry into the patterns of ownership.
4: A Tale from the Towns
Ray Gosling visits Glasgow and Sunderland to hear of initiatives big and small.
(Part 5 tomorrow at 9.30am L W)
The Great Cathedrals of Britain
Christopher Bigsby presents tonight's edition, which includes interviews, and news and reviews of films, books, plays, broadcasting, music and exhibitions.
(Rev re-broadcast tomorrow at
Confessions of Felix Krull , Confidence Man (8)
Presented by Alexander MacLeod
National and international news, background, analysis and comment
Radio 4's international business report; market trends
A-Level French Voix de France
1: Les Problèmes desjeunes Written and produced by TONY STAPLES (R)(e) at 12.50
2: Etrejeune en France Compiled by TONY STAPLES Producer GEOFFREY BRAITHWAITE (R) (e)