Presented by John Humphrys and Brian Redhead
6.30, 7.30, 8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News With PETER DAY
7.00,8.00 Today's News Read by BRIAN PERKINS
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
8.35* Yesterday in Parliament
A six-part inquiry by Ray Gosling who adds the further question: 'And does it matter?' 1: Unravelling the Plot
It is like a detective story trying to find out who owns what in this country. There has been no national survey since the Domesday Book and some people might prefer it that way.
So is it prying or public interest to ask? The pit villages of South Yorkshire provide one answer. Producer JOY HATWOOD
(kTbroadcast next Wednesday)
Brown bears living wild in Spain? Yes, and in meadows that would make any botanist's eyes light up.
Fergus Keeling investigates the other Spain and reports on this week's Wildlife news.
Producer JOHN HARRISON. BBC Bristol
Introduced from Broadcasting House, London. Stereo
A series of conversations between Cliff Morgan and guests who are invited to talk about the people who have greatly influenced them. 3: Lord Elwyn-Jones
Life peer, knight, former Lord High Chancellor, Privy
Councillor, Attorney General, Labour MP, and for years one of Britain's leading barristers. Who are the people he most admires?
Patrick Hannan presents the third of six programmes on the hidden perils of language.
There's no point in having a secret unless people know you've got it.
Presented by John Howard
In the second of eight programmes, Fritz Spiegl traces the history of seaside music and its effect on British concert life.
Producer RAY ABBOTT Stereo (R)
Presented by Nick Worrall
1.55 Listening Corner Today's story: The Musicians of Bremen. Stereo (R)
2.05 Looking at Nature Outside the Body TIMMY MALLETT and ROBIN ROBBINS suggest 'big ear' and 'eye eye' tests for you to try. Stereo (e)
2.20 Nellie and the Dragon by ELIZABETH LINDSAY
2: Nellie and the Flying Bicycle with NICOLA KATHRENS and BERNADETTE WINDSOR Stereo (e)
2.30 Pictures in Your Mind (Poetry): If We Had Wings Poems by LESLIE NORRIS (R)(e)
2.40 Listen! Not That Brevil Hockley! (2) by KEN JONES. Stereo (e)
If women have equality, why do they still need their own programme? Find out with Jenni Murray and guests. Serial: Cold Showers by CLARE NONHEBEL abridged in 12 episodes by SALLY SKRIMSHIRE
Read by Sian Thomas (1) Cathy Childs is a young
25-year-old widow, permanently famished (something to do with low blood sugar levels) and temporarily frigid. As she says, when it comes to men, who would pick a famished, frigid widow?
(Music: Gershwin's Violin Piece)
In Pontypridd, the Rees family legend of being descended from Russian noblemen has faded with the years. Suddenly, however, Grandma Rees 's eccentric behaviour prompts a search for the truth.
Directed by GERRY JONES. Stereo
with Nigel Forde
This week veteran thriller writer Geoffrey Household, author of classics like Rogue Male and Rogue Justice, discusses the craft of suspense storytelling with reference to his latest novel Face to the Sun. Also, a new anthology of poetry from NORMAN MACCAIG.
Presented by Robert Williams and Frances Coverdale continuedon VHFIFM5.50-5.55
With SIMON VANCE including Financial Report
The last in the series of the musical panel game devised by TONY SHRYANE and EDWARD J. MASON
John Amis and Frank Muir challenge
Ian Wallace and Denis Norden In the Chair Steve Race
Questions compiled by STEVE RACE Producer PETE ATKIN. Stereo
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 1.40pm)
Introduced by Brian Gear Compiled by LAWRIE MASON
Producer CAROLE STONE. BBC Bristol Send your letters to: Any Answers? BBC. Bristol BS8 2LR
"It's impossible to imagine that Malcolm Billings's documentary will not have the effect of doubling (or even trebling) the length of the queues outside London's Royal Academy..."
The verdict of the Times when this programme was first broadcast last November to mark the opening of the Royal Academy's current exhibition on Medieval England.
Presented by Malcolm Billings
(Stereo) (R)
Stereo (Details tomorrow, 11. 00am L W)
* INFO: page 77
A magazine of special interest to disabled listeners and their families.
Presented by Kati Whitaker Producer MARLENE PEASE
Correspondence and enquiries to: Does He Take Sugar?
BBC. London W1A 4WW
Phone [number removed]. Lines open from
10. 00am to 5. 00pm, Monday to Friday
This week Ian Skidmore does a demolition job on builders. Producer KATE FENTON (R)
Presenter Christopher Bigsby Producer MIKE GREENWOOD
Bevis (14)
Presented by Richard Kershaw
followed by an interlude
A-Level Chemistry: Help Yourself Presented by ASTLEY JONES Producer NAT TAYLOR. Stereo (e) at 12.30 Ammonia: Production and Uses and at 12.50 From Oil to PVC