Producer DAVID BELLINGER BBC Pebble Mill. Stereo
with Jack Hywel-Davies including Bells on Sunday from St Chad's, Prees, Shropshire. Stereo
Neil Walker and David Clayton link up with BBC Local Radio stations to investigate issues of common concern around the country.
1: The Tourist Invasion - Wish You Weren't Here?
From BBC Radio York
with Ted Harrison and Rosemary Hartill Producers DAVID COOMES and EDWARD LUCAS
VHFIFM joins at 8.0 am including at 8.0 News
8.10 Sunday Papers
talks, for the Week's Good Cause, about voluntary work being undertaken to find adoptive families for children whom other agencies cannot place - the disabled, disfigured, and children who would have spent their entire childhood in institutional care.
Donations to: Parents for Children, [address removed]
9.10 Sunday Papers
from St Chad 's Church, Shrewsbury.
Parish Eucharist (ASB Rite A) President
Preacher THE RT REV JOHN DAVIES , THE BISHOP OF SHREWSBURY Readings (NEB): Isaiah 30, vv 18-21; Matthew 5, vv 1-12
Hymns (EH): Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (536); Blest are the pure in heart (370); Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (319); Thou whose almighty Word (553) Communion Setting (David Grundy )
Communion Anthem: Teach me thy way (William Fox ) Director of Music WILLIAM SMALLMAN
Organist DAVID GRUNDY BBC Pebble Mill
Omnibus edition
Agricultural story editor ANTHONY PARKIN
Directed by CLIVE BRILL
Producer LIZ RIGBEY. BBC Pebble Mill
Presented by June Knox-Mawer Stereo
Presented by Gordon Clough Editor DEREK LEWIS
visits the Croydon and District Federation of Allotments and Garden Societies.
(Details on Wednesday at 10.0am)
The Maid's Room by SHELAGH FRASER
Lara is just one of thousands of Filipinos who eke out a life of domestic drudgery here in the West. She's a good, simple woman, but far too naive to cope with the sophisticated
London society that threatens to destroy her.
Directed by DAVID JOHNSTON Stereo (R)
Kenneth Hudson looks at the way in which history is viewed. 5: The Palace of Modern Magician
William Armstrong 's parents intended that their son should become a lawyer, but the boy's heart was not in the law. For him mechanics were a passion and physical science absorbed his hours of relaxation. When he died in 1900 he was as important as Brunei or the Stephensons and his great Elswick works on Tyneside employed over 20,000 people. With the fortune he made manufacturing the weapons of war he built
Cragside, the first house in Britain to be lit by electricity. Readers SEAN BARRETT , ALAN DUDLEY and MARTIN FRIEND
Producer JOHN KNIGHT. BBC Bristol
Presented by Fergus Keeling and Lionel Kelleway
Jane Goodall reports from the Chimpanzee Wars of Tanzania.
Brian Johnston visits Bradford in West Yorkshire
(Details tomorrow at 11.0am LW)
Christopher Dunkley airs your complaints and queries about the BBC.
In the light of the Pope's announcement that 1987 is to be a year dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Hope Sealy considers the Church's doctrine of Mary.
What is really known about the Mother of Jesus, how has her role changed throughout Church history and what is it about her that continues to inspire the adoration of some and the antagonism of others?
Stereo (Details on Friday at 3.0pm)
Presented by Susan Hill
Barrel organs, polyphons, orchestrions ... Denys Gueroult explores the amazing variety of mechanical musical instruments.
Producer ANDREW MUSSETT. Stereo
by DICK FRANCIS , dramatised in eight parts by ERNEST DUDLEY
1: Sunday morning. A party at a racing stable; champagne and jollity. But then quite unexpectedly comes death.
Stereo (Re-broadcast Wed 12.27pm)
0 HEAR THIS! page 27
Presented by Joshua Rozenberg
A Sheltered Life
Life in London's Underground during the Second World War (Detailson Wednesday 11.0am LW)
0 FEATURE: page 3
David Brandon reflects on the meaning of suffering and ways of coming to terms with it. 2: Letting go of the Past Producer HUGH FAUPEL BBC Manchester. Stereo
Presented by David Coss Producer PETER ROBINS
followed by an interlude