Farming, food and countryside news, market trends, and weather.
With DONALD HILTON BBC Birm ingham Stereo
Presented by John Timpson in London and Peter Hobday at the SDP Conference in Torquay
6.30,7.30,8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News
7.0,8.0 Today's News
7.20* Your Letters
7.25*. 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
Part 2
The Economy
What is inflation anyway? Why do wages go on rising, despite the number of people out of work? Should I know about the retail price index and why the dollar is strong?
If you've been scratching your head over questions like these, Frances Cairncross , Britain Editor of The Economist, and Professor Alan Budd of the London Business School endeavour to give the answers. In the Chair Barbara Myers
Produced by the Woman's Hour unit Lines open from 8.0am
Reflections on life and politics abroad from the BBC's worldwide team of foreign correspondents.
Read by June Barrie
'Nobody's coming ice-cream tasting with me', said Granny, 'looking like an organ-grinder s monkey'.
Producer PAMELA HOWE BBC Bristol
NEM, p 54; As pants the hart
(BBC HB 451); Psalm 3; Daniel 6, vv 12-23; Fight the good fight (BBC HB 302). Stereo
by Edith Wharton, dramatised by Constance Cox
Around the turn of the century rich Americans wanting to buy up English country houses were ten-a-penny.But the Boynes were different - they absolutely insisted on a ghost.
David Streeter ,
Michael Chinerey and John Andrews tackle questions from an audience at the Museum of East Anglian Life, Stowmarket. Presented by Derek Jones Producer JOHN HARRISON BBC Bristol
(Re-broadcast next Saturday) Stereo
Paul Clark with the latest news and advice for consumers
A further series of the programme Descartes never which
Irene Thomas and Eric Kom indulge in cerebral callisthenics with a team from Ireland represented by Liam de Paor and Maurice Hayes.
Chaired by Gordon Clough and Louis Allen
Researcher KAREN OSTLE
Producer ALASTAIR WILSON BBC Manchester
Presented by Gordon Clough
KENNETH SHANLEY thinks about food (R)
Introduced by Sue MacGregor What did Hamlet write in his private notebook? How would Juliet's nurse react to gangs on the London Underground? Michael Pennington and Brenda Bruce tell
MARY HARDIMAN how they arrived at their memorable RSC performances. Serial: Persuasion by JANE AUSTEN abridged in 12 episodes by MEG CLARKE
Read by Janet Suzman (1)
Persuasion is Jane Austen 's last novel and the most autumnal in mood. In 1806 Anne Elliot was persuaded to give up her suitor
Captain Wentworth. Eight years later, they meet again.... (Music: Benjamin's Cotillon)
Where are You Now Margaret McCulla ? by PAUL ANGEUS
He hadn't even kissed her, but the girl from the junior school has remained the one true love of his life. Has Martin left it too late to look for her, or to find anything?
Directed by JANE MORGAN (R) Stereo
A portrait ofF. Scott Fitzgerald by RICHARD MULLEN
Forty-five years after his death, the legend of Scott Fitzgerald lives on - the extravagant life-style, the handsome face, the tumultuous affair and stormy marriage with Zelda Sayre , his debts and his alcoholism. Now, more celebrated than ever, his novels have fulfilled
Gertrude Stein 's prophecy that Fitzgerald would still be read when many of his contemporaries were forgotten.
Producer JOHN KNIGHT BBC Bristol Stereo
0 HEAR THIS! page 17
Life and Other Punctures (2)
Presented by Valerie Singleton and Bill Frost continued on VHF/FM 5.50-5.55
With BRYAN MARTIN including Financial Report
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 1. 40pm)
Major issues, changing attitudes, important events at home and abroad Editor BRIAN WALKER BBC Manchester
(Details on Thursday at 10.0am)
Helplines: page 77
Hundreds of school-leavers have still not found a college place for the new term. Brainwaves provides an on-the-spot guide for students seeking higher-level courses.
Also, books for the very young: Margaret Percy investigates the claim that children's books encourage race and sex prejudice.
News, views and information for people with a visual handicap Presented by Peter White Producer THENA HESHEL
Listeners can phone with enquiries and comments on [number removed]Lines open 8.30-10.0pm
2: 17 Danube Street
'Sailors never asked us cabbies for Edinburgh Castle - it was always Danube Street.'
Roger Wilkes visits the former home of Britain's best-known brothel and recalls the late lamented Madame Dora Noyce. Producer DIANA STENSON BBC Manchester
Christopher Bigsby presents tonight's edition, which includes interviews, and news and reviews of books, films, plays, broadcasting, music and exhibitions.
Love and Mr Lewisham by H. G. WELLS
The last of 12 episodes abridged and read byPAULDANEMAN
The Crouming Victory Producer MAURICE LEITCH
(Starting tomorrow: The Woman Who Rode Away by D. H. Lawrence )
Presented by Alexander MacLeod including a report from the SDP Conference in Torquay
11.0 Headlines
followed by an interlude