6.55 Weather: programme news
7.15 Apna Hi Ghar Samaj hiye. BBC Birmingham
7.45 Bells
7.50 The Shape of God with FR JOHN MCDADE , SJ (Matthew 11, vv 2-11)
7.55 Weather: programme news
A weekly look at religious news at home and abroad. Presented by Clive Jacobs Producer JOHN NEWBURY
St Martin-in-the-Fields Christmas Fund by THE REV AUSTEN WILLIAMS
Gifts in response to this annual appeal by the vicar are distributed throughout the British Isles to people in need through illness or misfortune.
Donations, preferably by crossed PO or cheque, to: [address removed]
8.55 Weather: programme news
by Alistair Cooke
A series of four broadcasts during Advent on the theme
A World Under Judgment 3:The Nuclear Issue
From Barrow-on-Humber Methodist Church, South Humberside. led by the minister, THE REV BARRIE LEAH. The preacher is THE REV DR DAVID GOSLING Of the Department of Theology. Hull University.
Reading: Matthew 5, vv 3-12 (rsv)
Hymns: Ye servants of God (Laudate Dominum); What a wonderful saviour is Jesus; Thy way, not mine 0 Lord (lbstone); Come. thou long-expected Jesus (Stuttgart); We have a gospel to proclaim (Fulda). Conductor of choir NORMAN FINCH
Organist HARRY JOHNSON BBCLManchester
Omnibus edition
Directed by CLARE TAYLOR Producer
Agricultural story editor ANTHONY PARKIN
BBC Birmingham
Introduced by Natalie Wheen. who talks to wife and husband journalists Jill Tweedie and Alan Brien at their home in Kentish Town, North London: and presents highlights from the weekday programmes.
Devised by TONY SHRYANE and EDWARD J. MASON Dilys Powell and Frank Muir challenge Antnnia Fraser and Denis Norden. In the Chair John Julius Norwich
Questions compiled by PETER MOORE. Executive producer BOBBY JAYE
Derek Cooper surveys the industry and its products: the preferences and prejudices that govern what you eat.
12.55Weather; programme news
Presenter Gordon Clough Editor DEREK LEWIS
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
Ken Ford invites Clay Jones
Bill Sowerbutts and Professor Alan Gemmell to answer questions listeners have sent in by post. BBC Manchester
(Repeated: Wed 10.2 am)
Questions, on a postcard, to: Gardeners' Question Time, BBC, Woodhouse Lane , Leeds LS2 9PX
A play by William Trevor
With Prunella Scales and Sylvia Coleridge
'What happens in the mind of anyone who wishes to destroy?
'Don't you think we should root our heads out of the sand and wonder, just once in a while? What is the truth about people who are so far beyond the pale?'
"A magnificent play... performed with a rare and peculiar power..." (DAILY TELEGRAPH) "An astonishingly good play." (THE LISTENER) "A remarkable piece of radio...." (TIME OUT) "A work of art." (SUNDAY TELEGRAPH)
BBC Northern Ireland
(Details: Tuesday 4.0 pm)
long wave only
Introduced by Bruce Parker
This series offers an insight into the trade; and in Salesroom Report HUON MALLALlEU takes a look at price trends. Producer SARAH PITT. BBC Bristol long wave only
Sparkling Derwent
Ings. n. Damp grass fields in Yorkshire; meadow-land near water; [Scand.] Michael Clegg takes a radio nature trail through the Ings of the river Der. went - one of Yorkshire's richest wildlife habitats. Presenter Derek Jones Producer BRIAN LEITH BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Thurs 9.30 am) long wave only
with John Morgan
long wave only
Brian Johnston recently visited Chesham in Buckinghamshire. Producer ANTHONY SMITH. BBC Bristol (Repeated: Tues 12.20 pm) long wave only
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news: long wave only
The first of three programmes in which Russell Harty hopes to strike a few conversational chords with his guest.
This evening he and theatre director Ronald Eyre confront each other with pieces of music selected to surprise, stimulate and provoke each other into anecdote and reminiscence about shared experiences.
For disabled listeners
Presenter Marilyn Alan Reporter KEVIN MULHERN
Citizens' Advice Bureau Phone-in: Mon 2.0-4.0 pm, [number removed], Ext 2531 Editor MARLENE PEASE
The BBCtv production of The Merchant of Venice will be shown next Wednesday on BBC2.
Timothy West. Shylock in the current Old Vic production, gives his views about the play's qualities and characters.
' Though the confrontation of Jew and Christian provides an overpowering central theme, it is not just the story of Shylock. A lot of the comedy and drama is to do with the balancing of emotional and material considerations ... this is, I think, the bedrock of the play.' Producer GORDON HUTCHINGS See feature: page 6
BBC NORTHERN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA leader DENNIS SIMONS conductor EDWARD DOWNES Berlioz Symphonie fantastique. BBC Manchester
Frank Delaney introduces the magazine programme about the books you read, borrow and buy, both new and old, from classics to comics.
by Ian Fleming
In a reading relating to the preceding edition of Bookshelf. Jon Glover reads a James Bond short story.
Val Gielgud and the Development of Radio Drama, 1929-63 by JOHN SPURLING with contributions from Val Gielgud actors
Sir John Gielgud
Constance Cummings Grizelda Hervey the late Norman Shelley colleagues
When VAL GIELGUD (who recently passed his 80th birthday), became Head of Productions, radio drama was a new invention. Plays were events in theatres: radio plays were for avant-garde experiment. When he left radio drama, 34 years later, it had become an entertainment for audiences far greater than the theatre could ever reach. Reader JOHN CHURCH
The Pope's visit to the Irish shrine of Knock last year focused world attention on this simple 19th-century place of pilgrimage. Bernard Jackson visited Knock to meet the director of the shrine James Horan , and to talk to some of the visitors. Producer SARAH WIDDOWS
Presenter Rodney Foster Producer PETER ROBINS
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude