6.40 Prayer for the Day REV DR JACK WITHERS
with Nigel Rees in London and Brian Redhead in Manchester
At 7.0 and 8.0 News
Thought for the Day at 7.45*
English Regions: see column 9
It's a hard life ...
Comprehensive or Apprehensive?
The most tortuous decisions are being made by some parents whose local grammar schools are turning comprehensive. Many are changing their life-style to pay for the only remaining alternative.
David Hawksworth examines the extent to which this apprehension is due to public debate, and to ignorance of what a comprehensive school is really like.
Melvyn Bragg visits his former grammar school - now turned comprehensive - and compares the educational possibilities, the academic standards, and the levels of personal discipline and development now being taught.
NEM, p 71; Thy kingdom come! On bended knee (BBC HB 28); Psalm 97; John 13, vv 12-21 (av); Come, thou long-expected Jesus (BBC HB 30)
'Reports are still coming in....' Written and read by Martin Young
The convoluted chronicle of an optimistic author, starring: Ian Carmichael as Gerald C. Potter Charlotte Mitchell as his wife, with JAMES THOMASON , TRADER FAULKNER and ROBIN BROWNE
Chapter 2: The Wedding Ring Written by BASIL BOOTHROYD
Put an Egg in Your Tank
Rights and Responsibilities
Edition Presenter Nancy Wise with your letters
Presented by George Logan and Patrick Fyffe
with Duggie Brown.
Written by the delightful trio, Mike Craig, Lawrie Kinsley and Ron McDonnell
BBC Manchester
12.55 Weather; programme news
VHF Regional news and weather
Introduced by Brian Widlake
from 2.0
Introduced by Sue
MacGregor Guest of the Week: Denise Robins , romantic novelist.
2.0-2.2 News
JONATHAN HEWAT - Around the World in a Minibus - 3: Discovering La Paz , Bolivia.
Spanish or German in one week : PAUL BARNES reviews a new radio crash course, which starts next Monday at 6.30 on Radio 3.
Before You Begin: JILL BLAKE with advice to those about to launch on a home decorating spree - 3: the living-room. A Quiet Life (3)
Story: Tickle Toes and the Slippers by EUGENIE SUMMERFIELD
Honour's for the Birds by PETER BRENT
'When a foreign national is found wandering in a prohibited area with notebooks, bin-oculars, a telephoto lens on his camera ...' Accused of being a spy in a foreign country, a young birdwatcher, Phil Brodie , protests his innocence. But as a diplomatic pawn, is his innocence enough?
Produced and directed by BRIAN MILLER. BBC Bristol
When I am away from Camusfearna and think of it, it is of the waterfall that I think first. It is the waterfall, rather than the house that has always seemed to me the soul of Camusfearna, and if there tis anywhere in the world to which some part of me may return when I am dead it will be there. GAVIN MAXWELL In a remote part of the western Highlands, Gavin Maxwell created his own ' Camusfearna ' so lovingly described in Ring of Bright Water. But Camusfearna - the converted light-house keeper's cottage - was to be completely destroyed by fire and only two years later Maxwell himself was dead. Richard Frere , his close friend, returns to Camusfearna and describes to SHERIDAN MORLEY the memories this now deserted spot holds for him.
Sense and Sensibility (8)
Presented by Brian Widlake
5.50 Financial Report
VHF Regional news and weather
5.55 Weather, programme news
A panel game whose unruly members are occasionally kept in disorder by the Chairman: Nicholas Parsons and in which Sheila Hancock. Peter Jones Derek Nimmo and Kenneth Williams endeavour to prevent each other from talking for just a minute on this - or that. Devised by IAN MESSITER Producer JOHN BROWELL
(Repeated: Friday 12.27 pm)
(Repeated: Thursday 1.30 pm)
The Lion's Skin by w. SOMERSET MAUGHAM, adapted for radio by LIONEL HALE with Gerald Cross asSomersetMaugham
A good many people were shocked when they read that Captain Forestier had met his death in a forest fire when trying to save his wife's dog. Some said they never knew he had it in him; others said it was exactly what they would have expected from him; but ofthosesomemeantonething andsomeanother.Tounderstand this you must understand Captain Forestier ...
Produced and directed by GLYN DEARMAN
The Story of Robben Island narrated by Paul Scofield
3: So slowly to harbour
The poet Charles Causley spent most of his adult life at home with his widowed mother. who for her last years was almost totally incapacitated. He speaks of how it is possible to keep a light on the shore'.
Presenter Paul Vaughan
Douglas Stuart reporting
Joseph and the Goths byCATHERINEHEATH abridgedin13partsby NEVILLE TELLER
Read by Madi Hedd (1)
They bought up all the cottages and invaded the village at weekends, superior beings bringing with them nothing but their fancy ways. Joseph Hocking vowed that one day he'd be shot of them and he began to devise his plan of campaign. Producer JOHN CARDY
preceded by Weather