6.27 Farming Today presented by ROBIN IIICKS
6.45 Prayer for the Day
The world this morning
Introduced by John Timpson and Robert Robinson
6.50 Travel news, What's on, and Keep Fit with EILEEN FOWLER VHF: Regional news, weather
6.55 Weather, programme news
7.0 News and more of Today
Including at 7.25 Sportsdesk; at 7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Thought for the Day
7.50 Travel news, What's on VHF: Regional news, weather
7.55 Weather, programme news
8.0 News and more of Today including at 8.25 Sportsdesk; at 8.35 Today's Papers
Regional VHF: see Variations
9.5 Religious Service for Primary Schools
9.25 Material for Assembly
'From the Beyond': extracts from SF by ARTHUR C. CLARKE , compiled by CHRISTOPHER PRICE
9.35 The Bible: How and Why by ROBERT C. WALTON. 6: HOW the Gospels were written (ii) '.55 Movement and Music I by PENNY
NEM p 4; 0 Lord of heaven and earth and sea (BBC HB 14); Psalm 47; Revelation 19, vv 4-16 (neb); Angel-voices, ever sing- ing (BBC HB 256)
10.30 La France Aujourd'hut
French IV. 6: Quo! de Neuf? Written by PAULE-ALINE DENT
10.45 Horizons de France
French V. La famille franchise (it): written by GEOFFREY BRAITHWAITE
11.0 Time and Tune
Producer DOUGLAS coombes
11.20 Man. 6: Mammals, by MARGERY MORRIS
11.40 Geography. The Midlands Motorways, by PETER WOOD
Presenter John Edmunds Health and Welfare
Folk Cures for Rheumatism - ' You can always try crawling through a hole in a stone': DONALD NORFOLK looks at some of the more unusual cures for rheumatism that have been tried through the ages.
With other items and your let- ters in What's On Your Mind? VHF South West: see Variations
12.55 Weather, programme news VHF : Regional news, weather
and voices and topics in and behind the headlines introduced by Gordon Clough
Story: Jane is Mother Today by BETTY BEVAN
2.0 Living Language
The Iliad: Homer's epic poem adapted in a verse translation by Kenneth Cavander. 2: Fire at the Greek ships
2.20 Movement and Music II by JAMES DODDING
2.40 Learning about Life
6: What Are Friends?: programme arranged and introduced by JOHN STOCKBRIDGE
Happy Deathday to You
A mixture of the skittish, the sceptical and the scurrilous, but never, we hope, the snob- bish, the self-righteous or the soporific.
Producers michell RAPER and ROBERT fox
Xavier by RICHARD heslop Read by HAYDN JONES 4: The Maquis
The news magazine: presented by Gordon Clough and PM's reporting team
5.50 VHF: Regional news, weather
5.55 Weather, programme news
A panel game controlled (!) by Nicholas Parsons in which Kenneth Williams Clement Freud, Peter Jones, Aimi Macdonald try to talk for just a minute on this and that
(Aimi Macdonald is in ' The Mating Game' at the Apollo Theatre, London)
(Repeated: Friday, 1.30 pm)
Jacky Gillott presenting world news and views
A selection of listeners' letters continuing the discussion heard in last Friday's Any Questions? Introduced by DAVID JACOBS Producer ROY HAYWARD
Write to Any Answers?, BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR
I A portrait in words and music of the composer
Ralph Vaughan Williams who was born on 12 October 1872.
Is it not possible that the English composer has some- thing to say to his men countrymen that no one of any other age and any other country can sayr
Narrator RICHARD BAKER Vaughan Williams
Other parts read by RONALD HARVI and DAPHNE OXENFORD
Producer STANLEY WILLIAMSON (from Manchester)
A weekly magazine of the arts
Presented by Philip Oakes
Crown Matrimonial: a play about the Abdication, starring Wendy Hiller as Queen Mary and Peter Barkworth as the Duke of Windsor, opens in London. Royce Ryton, the author, and Peter Dews, the producer, discuss the problems and ethics of dramatising this story of our time.
The Children's Film Foundation celebrates its 21st birthday. A schoolgirl reviews its latest films and chief executive Henry Geddes explains his belief that Children's Matinees are still necessary in the age of tv
Scoop: Evelyn Waugh's novel has been serialised on BBC2 with Harry Worth and a studio audience. Frank Muir says whether he thinks the mixture works.
PAUL vaughan takes a look at new inventions, new ideas, and new discoveries in the world of science and technology, and introduces some of the people concerned with them.
Producer MICHAEL bright-
9.59 Weather
Douglas Stuart reporting with voices and opinions from around the world
Oh. Where are Bloody Mary's Earrings? by ROBERT PLAYER Read by JOHN MOFFATT (4)
preceded by Weather
11.31 Market Trends