6.27 Farming Today
6.45 Prayer for the Day
6.50-7.0 Regional news, weather and programme news
7.0 News
The world this morning introduced by Robert Robinson and John Timpson
7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Thought for the Day
7.50-8.0 Regional news, weather and programme news
8.0 News and more of Today
(including, in the Midlands and E Anglia, Regional Extra; and Today in the South and West introduced by Derek Jones)
8.40 Today's Papers
9.5 Religious Service for Primary Schools
9.25 Material for Assembly Discovering Dad
Compiled and presented by R. E. T. LAMB
Once upon a time the weekend was an essential part of English social, literary and political life. Today it appears to have been reduced to an endless football match.
CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW , a keen weekender, rummages around the BBC Sound Archives in an attempt to discover whatever became of the art of weekending. Producer DENYS GUEROULT
9.55 Movement and Music 1 for the 5-to-6-year-olds by PENNY WHITTAM
NEM p 4; O splendour of God's glory bright (BBC HB 409); Psalm 96; Wisdom of Solomon 2 v 23 to 3, v 9 (RSV): Praise ye the Lord (BBC HB 280)
10.30 Art and Experience ( Radiovision)
Where Doors may Open: an introduction to Albert Camus Compiled and produced by STUART EVANS
11.0 Time and Tune
22: Fairs and Markets
Introduced by JOHN CAMBURN
11.20 Man. Where the sea once flowed by ALAN C. JENKINS Narrator BARRY FOSTER
11.40 Geography
Jamaica - bauxite by KEN GOFTON
Presenter Joan Yorke
Your Health and Welfare
Born deaf - but no longer dumb: FRANCES BERTHELSEN attends classes in that most patience-demanding but moving of subjects -teaching deaf children to speak.
Other topical items too, and What's On Your Mind?
A radio happening with Jimmy Edwards. Arthur Askey Cyril Fletcher , Cardew Robinson In the chair MCDONALD HOBLEY Special guest Beryl Reid
From an idea by JIMMY EDWARDS Producer EDWARD TAYLOR
12.55 Weather, information and news for your area
and voices and topics in and behind the headlines introduced by William Hardcastle
Story: Pippa, the Hippopotamus by BETTY BEVAN : part 1
2.0 Living Language. Some Beasts and a Bird: poems by D. H. Lawrence selected and read by ROY SPENCER
A Man Among the Birds
Percy Edwards is famous for his imitations of birds and animals on radio, television and films. Today he talks about his unusual career to DENNIS MCCARTHY.
Producer JAMES GALLAGHER (from Birmingham)
2.40 Life Cycle
Inside the body (Radiovision)
Tarnished Brass
A mixture of the laconic, the luminous, the lovesick, the larkish and the labyrinthine. Producers MICHELL RAPER and ROBERT FOX
Vanity Fair by W.M. THACKERAY Read by DAVID DAVIS
9: Catastrophe at Curzon Street
The news magazine: presented by William Hardcastle and PM's reporting team
5.50-6.0 Regional news, weather and programme news
(Repeated: Friday, 1.30 pm)
Gerald Priestland presenting world news and views
A selection of listeners' letters (Repeated: Friday, 4.0 pm)
A ten-part series examining the seamier and less overt aspects of Victorian life.
4: Victoria's Other London by DONALD THOMAS with Stephen Thorne
Long-song Seller
Life in the City of London, as seen through the eyes of Henry Mayhew. historian of everyday life in Victorian England. The first real history of the people that has ever been attempted in any country whatsoever (MORNING CHRONICLE 1851)
A weekly survey of the arts Introduced by Ronald Eyre
This week Scan takes in Nijinsky, Clown of God, the spectacular ballet given by Maurice Bejart 's Ballet of the 20th Century at the London Coliseum
Julius Caesar , the second of the Royal Shakespeare Company's season of Roman plays at Stratford-upon-Avon and paintings by William Scott , on show at the tate Gallery Producers MIRIAM RAPP and DAN ZERDIN
Discoveries, inventions and news from the world of science and technology.
Each week New Worlds brings you the people whose achievements are changing your way of life. Presenter PAUL VAUGHAN Producer LAURIE JOHN
(Repeated: Monday, 10.30 am)
John Tusa reporting, with voices and opinions from around the world
Network Special with BBC Local Radio
Today's trial of strength between the Parties in the Borough Elections in England and Wales (except London) will have an impact on political attitudes far beyond the localities concerned. Overall Party gains and losses may well reveal significant evidence of the current state of public opinion. To add to the interest, in Greater London itself there have been Parliamentary by-elections today in Kingston-upon-Thames and Southwark.
In this late-night co-production between network News and Current Affairs in London and all 20 BBC Local Radio stations -which will provide Radio 4 with a special service in addition to their own local output -you can hear flashes from important boroughs up and down the country and from the two by-elections.
The BBC's Political Editor Hardiman Scott presents the programme. With him in London is ANTHONY KING, Professor of Government in the University of Essex, and they will have the support of special correspondents in BBC Local Radio Stations in the running analysis of results as they come in. Production team BERNARD TATE, MARTIN COX, JOHN TURTLE Co-production editor STEPHEN BONARJEE
preceded by Weather
Part 2
Results and analysis continued (Coastal forecast at 11.45')