6.27 Farming Today
6.45 Prayer for the Day
6.50-7.0 Regional news, weather and programme news
7.0 News
The world this morning
Introduced by Robert Robinson and Douglas Cameron
7.40 Today's Papers
7.4S Thought for the Day
7.58-8.0 Regional news, weather and programme news
8.0 News and more of Today
(including, in the Midlands and E Anglia, Regional Extra; and Today in the South and West introduced by DEREK JONES )
8.48 Today's Papers
9.5 An Act of Worship Bread of Life by MICHAEL SHARPE
Introduced by RALPH ROLLS
A portrait of Queen Victoria in the recorded voices of her loyal subjects.
BBC Sound Archive recording
9.45 Music Workshop Stage 1 Libretto by PAUL TOWNSEND Music arranged by MICHAEL JESSETT
NEM p 7: When all thy mercies (BBC HB 22); Psalm 65; Wisdom of Solomon 4, vv 7-17 (RSV); Praise the Lord! (BBC HB 16)
A well-known professional broadcaster talks about something in the recent news which has caught his attention.
followed by an interlude
10.50 A Corner for Music by ALBERT CHATTERLEY 22: By the Sea
JOHN ROSSELLI has been both a journalist and an academic. He suggests that newspapermen should worry less about the medium and more about the message.
11.20 Listening and Writing A World to Grow In
MAUREEN DUFFY introduces two of her own poems, and poems by Dylan Thomas , Edwin Muir , George Barker , May Swenson and Barry MacSweeney
11.40 Prospect. Aspects of human biology: Before birth by MARGARET SHEFFIELD
12.0 Announcements
Presenter Joan Yorke
Your Own Time: Who pegs the hemline? ALISON ADBURGHAM , fashion editor of The Guardian. on who decides what's in and out in the world of fashion. And other topical items too
12.55 Weather, information and news for your area
and voices and topics in and behind the headlines introduced by William Hardcastle
Story Peter Helicopter and the Jump Jet by MONICA WHITE Presenter MAUREEN MORRIS Scripts by LESLIE PITT
2.0 Let's Join In. Tom Tit Tot (traditional)
2.20 Christian Focus. ' The Twain shall Meet ': community relations by LESLIE SMITH
2.35 Interlude
2.40 Guitar School: introduced by MICHAEL JESSETT (32)
Selected for Friday Angel Unwilling by DAVID CAMPTON
Although Beatie always gets the blame for everything, Agnes would still like to be in her shoes ...
A chance to hear again some of the best one-hour plays broadcast in recent years.
A selection of listeners' letters continuing the discussion heard in last Friday's Any Questionsr Introduced by DAVID JACOBS Producer ROY HAYWARD
If you wish to add your views to the subjects discussed in this week's Any Questions? send them as soon as possible to BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR
by W.M. Thackeray abridged in ten parts by Nan MacDonald
Read by David Davis
The news magazine: presented by William Hardcastle and PM's reporting team including
STEVE RACE'S Radio Times
5.50-6.0 Regional news, weather and programme news
A general knowledge contest
Chairman FRANKLIN ENGELMANN 13: Northern Ireland (i)
(Repeated: Monday, 1.30 pm)
Gerald Priestland presenting world news and views
NANCY WISE introduces a personal selection of items from BBC Radio and TV.
Research by JEAN STROUD
(Repeated: Saturday 4.30 pm)
A spontaneous discussion by Steve Race
Norman St John-Stevas , MF Baroness Wootton Dr Kit Pedler
Chairman DAVID JACOBS Producer MICHAEL BOWEN from Horncastle, Lines
(Repeated: Saturday, 1.15 pm) Listeners' views for use in Any Answers? should be addressed to Any Answers?, BBC, Bristol, BS8 2LR
The Best People yet Discovered '
Two programmes about Japan by Ian Mclntyre
The phrase in the title was coined by St Francis Xavier , but admiration for the Japanese is common enough in the modern world too: since 1945 their story has been one of almost monotonous success.
Today there are signs that the storyline may have to change, not least because President Nixon by his economic measures last year and by his overtures to Communist China has made many Japanese feel that the ground is shifting under their feet.
This week and next, IAN MCINTYRE , just back from Japan, presents his impressions of how the Japanese are facing up to new uncertainties. Producer GEORGE FISCHER
John Tusa reporting
A foreign journalist based in London looks at a subject of interest in Britain this week
The House of Mirth by EDITH WHARTON
Read by ANNA MASSEY (7)
Written by Simon Barnes (a winner in the Commuters' Tales competition) and told by Hugh Paddick to Robin Browne and Michael Kilgarriff.
(Repeated: Saturday, 5.30 pm.)
preceded by Weather
11.59 Market Trends