With Sara Coburn and Janet Barrie.
6.00,6.15,6.30,6.45 News; 6.27,6.58 Regional news; 6.15 Financial papers;
6.25 Sport; 6.55 Weather................
With Justin Webb and Sally Magnusson.
News every 15 minutes. 7.12, 7.40,8.12,
8.40 Business; 7.20,7.50,8.20,8.50 Sport; 7.25,7.55,8.25,8.55 Weather, regional news, travel.
Topical discussion with Robert Kilroy-Silk.
Subtitled (news)
Regional News; Weather
The Reg Cox murder enquiry has shifted to Lofty and Mark.
(For cast see Tuesday)
Introduced by Mo Dutta , plus the viewers' Quizcall competition, including at 12.50 the announcement of the winner. COMPETITION LINE: 0[number removed](39p per min cheap rate; 49p per min other times). For a copy of the rules, send sae to [address removed]
10.35 Good Morning....with Anne and Nick Featuring Dr Mark Porter 's medical phone-in. Including at 11.00 News subtnied and Weather; Regional News and Weather. Stereo .............................
* Dr Mark Porter : page 37
12.00 News and Weather subtnied (news) Regional News; Weather
12.05pm Pebble Mill Music and chat with AlanTitchmarsh. Stereo ................
12.55 Regional News; Weather
Details at 5.35pm Stereo
Return of the European quiz show. With
Henry Kelly. COMPETITION LINE: 0[number removed](39p per min cheap rate; 49p per min other times). Fora copy of the rules, send sae to [address removed]
HouseofCards. Brian holdsthe
MacKenzies at gunpoint. stereo..
Recipes with Jacques Pepin
With Toby Anstis.
3.45 Live action and puppetfun.
Written by Andy Cunningham Stereo
Five specially commissioned stories by Poet Laureate Ted Hughes.
Today The Last of the Dinosaurs told by Bill Paterson.
Second story next Monday.
Animation. Stereo Subtitled ..........
Futuristic live action series.
(Repeat) (Subtitled)
With the announcement of the winner of the Light Up competition.
(Stereo) (Subtitled)
A major confrontation awaits Gaby. Shown at 1.30pm. For cast see Wednesday
With Martyn Lewis and Moira Stuart. Subtitled
Weather Penny Tranter ...................
Tonight, in the final of the television buff's quiz, Noel Edmonds asks questions of previous champions, the Brown family and the Rossiterfamily.
Director Graham Wetherell ; Producer Richard L Lewis
Hard-hitting reports on poor services and shoddy products, presented by Anne Robinson with Alice Beer. Call the hotline on [number removed] and tell your story to a researcher; orwriteto PO Box 5555, London W 12 6WD.
EditorSarahCaplin Stereo Subtitled ........
As Kathy and Phil plan their reunion, Peggy throws a spanner in the works.
See today's choices.
(For cast see Thursday)
(Stereo) (Subtitled)
With Michael Buerk. Subtitled Regional News
Weather Penny Tranter ................
In the week that Oliver Stone's controversial film Natural Born Killers is finally released in Britain, Panorama asks if violent films cause real life violence.
Reports by Vivian White. See today's choices.
Producer Sarah Powell ; Editor Steve Hewlett
NOTE: because Panorama is a topical programme and likely to react to events in the news, the above programme is liable to change.
* See This Week: page 11
Second of a three-partthrillerstarring Bob Peck , Sharon Duce
The disturbed and mysterious Jo Scott tempts Andrew with information about Beth's death, but then subjects him to violent harassment.
Written by David Pirie
Producer Sarah Lawson ; Director Ben Bolt
Tonight's films under review include:
Robert Altman 's fashion extravaganza Pret-a-Porter with a cast including Lauren Bacall , Sophia Loren ,
Tim Robbins and Kim Basinger. Plus
Nigel Hawthorne and Helen Mirren on the set of The Madness of King George, the film based on Alan Bennett 's acclaimed stage play.
Director Liz Ekberg ; Series producer
BruceThompson Stereo * Barry Norman : see page 42