With Toby Anstis.
Felix the Cat
Emma masquerades as a witch.
Today: the Patch Stop. A Felgate production for BBCtv
Today: what stops you falling over. Rpt
David Frost hosts a special programme live from South Africa, featuring interviews with Nelson Mandela and Chief
Buthelezi. He also talks to
President F W de Kierk at his official residence in Cape Town. Executive editor Bob Wheaton
Including at 8.15am and
Tony Robinson looks at some of the problems of reading the Bible, and finds out why it is still described as "the Good Book".
Modern hymnwriter Patricia Morgan joins Noel Battye for a time of prayer and reflection.
PRAYER LINE: [number removed]. Calls charged at normal rates.
Today: a signed song and love poem for St Valentine's Day. Presented by Clive Mason. With signing and subtitles.
Today: do ethnic minorities get a fair trial when it comes to entering the legal profession?
Last in the series.
FACTSHEET: for free sheet send sae to
[address removed]or ring the factline on 0[number removed](calls are 36p per minute cheap rate, 48p other times).
4: How British businessmen have coped in Germany.
BOOKLET: send cheque/PO for £2.00, payable to BSS, to [address removed]
Welfare rights magazine. With Helen Madden , Andrew Miller. HELPLINE: phone free on 0[number removed]. Forfree "Claim It Pack" ring free on 0[number removed].
With John Craven , including the week's weather at 12.55.
Followed by On the Record
Political programme, presented by Jonathan Dimbleby with John Cole.
Omnibus edition. A new face in the market causes a stir. Arthur has trouble with his double life.
Sheffield United v
Manchester United
Live coverage of this FA Cup Fifth Round match.
Commentary by John Motson and Trevor Brooking , reports by Ray Stubbs. With Desmond Lynam , and Jimmy Hill.
Today, a report on an American company whose chief designer, an Englishwoman, hopes to bring ecological fashion into the mainstream. Plus a retrospective on fashion house Biba, the style leader of the 60s and 70s; and a nostalgic examination of the 40s war-time look. With Caryn Franklin , Jeff Banks , Brenda Emmanus.
Kingston in Jamaica is the setting for a lively Caribbean edition filled with the echoes of 300 years of British rule. Some objects started life in Europe, while others were made by local craftsmen, like the furniture from finest Jamaican mahogany. And there's a glimpse of the pirate Captain
Henry Morgan 's silver tankard. Producer Christopher Lewis
Wejoin the queue as Jamaica gets the Roadshow bug
With Chris Lowe.
Weather Ian McCaskill
Pam Rhodes travels to Majorca to celebrate St Valentine's Day with some of the thousands of older holidaymakers.
The hymns sung on the beach at Palma Nova include: 0 Happy
Day; Give Me Joy; How Great Thou Art; Guide Me 0 Thou Great
Redeemer; The Day Thou Gavest. Producer Simon Hammond
Edrtor Roger Hutchings
Last in the comedy series by Paul A Mendelson.
When a ghost feels useless, it's time for some serious haunting.
A Cinema Verity production for BBC TV.
(Stereo) (Subtitles)
With Martyn Lewis. Subtitled
Weather Ian McCaskill
The Masters final, introduced by Dougie Donnelly.
The winner requires nine frames to take the title held by Stephen Hendry since 1989.
Commentary by Clive Everton , Jack Karnehm , John Virgo , Ray Edmonds , John Spencer.
NB Snooker coverage may be live and subsequent programmes may be delayed or postponed.
Fostering Prejudice? Should gay and lesbian couples be treated equally alongside heterosexuals when it comes to fostering and adopting children? Joan Bakewell investigates. Producer Nick Stuart
Series producer Michael Waterhouse
A Roger Bolton production for BBCtv
A six-part series on the secret of small-business success.
Winning with Leadership:
Ballards, Bumpers and Balls David Hall shows how the owners of two successful businesses have trained their management to share responsibilities and concentrate on the future.
Producers Brian Edwards. Andrew Forrester A Diverse production for BBCtv
TRAINING PACK: 115.00 by credit card on the 24-hour number 0[number removed]
Scottish soprano Isobel Buchanan sings in Italian and German. Producer Robert Cooke
Last in the comedy series.
A Kiss A in 'tjust a Kiss. Doogie is caught in a passionate clinch with Vinnie's girlfriend.