Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Huggleboo and her mommy are playing hide-and-seek. Huggleboo hides all her cuddly toys, but where did Fluffy go? Show more
Tha dealan-dè a’ nochdadh san sgoil-àraich ‘s tha Bing son an creutair a chuideachadh. A little butterfly flies into the crèche and Bing wants to help it return outside. Show more
Spòrs is plòidh son clann fo aois sgoile! Deiseil son beagan leum is danns le Amanda? Gaelic children's programme. Dancing fun for preschool children.
Tha na h-Abadas aig an traigh - a' cur ionmhas am falach gus nach lorg duine beò e - agus tha Ela a' lorg tobar! The Abadas are having a pirate adventure at the beach. Show more
Tha Rita agus Crogall a’ gabhail cuairt anns a choille agus tha iad a’ trusadh tòrr gheanm-chnòthan. Rita and Crocodile walk in the forest to collect as many conkers as they can. Show more
Tha Pip is Posy a’ cur seodh’ air dòigh, le Uircean is Losgann, airson na caraidean aca. Pip and Posy, along with Uircean and Losgann, are putting a show on for their friends. Show more
Iain MacAonghais a’ leughadh Caiptean Wag agus na Mathain Bhàna. Iain MacInnes reads Caiptean Wag agus na Mathain Bhàna. Show more
Tha Po ag ionnsachadh g' eil fìor chumhachd gu tric ag atharrachadh dol-a-mach duine. Po learns that to have great power can often change a person - and not for the better. Show more
Tha Bonns ga sìneadh fhèin uiread ‘s gu bheil I ga “spangachadh” fhèin. Bonns stretches herself so much that she “spangs” herself. Show more
Le Calcalas am bruid, tha Tintin a' dèanamh air Borduria gus am Proifeasair a shàbhaladh. With the kidnapping of Calculus, Tintin makes for Borduria to save his friend. Show more
Dugie restores a piece of dinosaur bone, the Strictly Skye dance event is held in Portree, and Duntulm crofters take their sheep home from Trodday Island. Show more
Fine Mayer, who grew up in Germany, chats to Joy in the studio, and a hungry Calum Maclean is on a quest for a famous mouth-watering soup in Morayshire. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
A team of archaeologists investigate a crannog in a loch in Carloway and it’s business as usual for veteran garage owner Denis. Show more
Tha Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain a’ coimhead air tinneas-inntinn am-measg luchd-ciùil. Mischa MacPherson looks at mental health struggles in the music industry. Show more
Ramsay brushes up on his German in the port city of Hamburg. Gearmailtis Ramsay feumail ann an Hamburg. Show more
Drama mini-series telling the story of Màiri MacDonald's return home to the island from which she escaped eight years previously. Show more
An dàrna latha de dh’ fharpais Eadar-nàiseanta nan Con-chaorach 2019, à Breichinn. Day two of the International Sheepdog Trials 2019, from Brechin. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.