Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Kit and Pup investigate the world of opposites - today it’s melting and freezing. Show more
Brush decides to start a ladies club and invites all the ladies of the forest for brunch. Show more
Tha Shane a’ faighinnn beachd–smuain bho Mama ’son rud diofraichte ’son a’ chlàr-bìdh. Shane gets an idea from Mama Polenta for something different for the menu. Show more
Tha Linda a’ tadhal air Meaban is Moo gus dùbhlan a chur romhpa. An-diugh feumaidh iad rudan dearg a lorg.
Linda visits Meaban and Moo who are challenged to find red items. Show more
Tha Iasg Garibaldi a’ bruidhinn rinn an-diugh mu dhèidhinn fhèin. The Garibaldi Fish tells us all about himself today. Show more
Tha dearbh fheum air rèoiteagan an-diugh oir tha e fìor bhlàth aig Sù Pìc. There’s a great need for ice pops today as it is a very hot day at the zoo. Show more
John Joe MacNèill a’ leughadh Àm Cadail, ‘Ille Bhig. John Joe MacNeil reads Àm Cadail, ‘Ille Bhig. Show more
Danger Mouse faces the Queen of Weevils in a fearful Halloween Special.
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Tha ceistean aig Tintin a thaobh tinneas a tha ri bualadh luchd-triall Sanders-Hardiman. Tintin needs answers to the illness which hits some of the Sanders-Hardiman expedition. Show more
The CBBC ALBA team visit Pollok Park to find out about witchcraft allegations made in the 17th century. Show more
Charlie plays a joke on Matilda, replacing her chocolate-flavour milk for instant coffee. Matilda spends the night awake and due to her power, dawn never comes. Show more
Fraoch Nic an Deòir a' dèanamh dealbh dubh is geal dhen ùghdar Ruairidh MacIlleathain. Heather Dewar draws a charcoal portrait of author and educator Roddy Maclean. Show more
We meet circus performer and Gaelic learner Kit Rodman-Orr from Cumbernauld, and Calum Maclean takes a voyage of discovery to an unusual theatre. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Eòrpa looks at the dissatisfaction in many communities on the west coast of Scotland with Calmac ferry services. Show more
A woman’s lifelong struggle with the debilitating fat disorder lipoedema. At last offered treatment, her hopes for surgery are dashed by Covid-19. Show more
An investigation into the slave trade in black Africans and how after 1789, the abolitionist movement gathered momentum. Show more
New Year music celebrations featuring Ewen Henderson, Gary Innes and Ingrid Henderson.
Màiri Anna NicUalraig le ceòl dùthchasach agus traidiseanta bho Celtic Connections. Mary Ann Kennedy presents a show with folk and traditional music from Celtic Connections. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.