Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Pompon a' toirt corra bhoiteag dhan rùm aige ach chan eil an rùm rin càil. Pompon takes some worms to his room, but the room doesn't appeal to them. Show more
Tha Goraidh làn eagail an-diugh oir tha e a' smaoineachadh gu bheil e air uilebheist fhaicinn. Goraidh is frightened today as he thinks that he has seen a monster. Show more
Kit and Pup investigate the world of opposites - today it’s straight and wavy. Show more
Tha an sgioba a' faighinn cothrom cluich san t-sneachda son a' chiad turas riamh! The gang get to experience their first ever snowfall together! Show more
Tha an t-eisir ag innse dhuinn mu dhèidhinn fhèin agus na rudan a bhios iad ag ithe. The oysters tells us all about what they do and the things they eat. Show more
Tha Gudrun ag ionnsachadh bho h-athair agus Maighstir nan Seabhag! Gudrun gets her first lesson from King Sigurd and the Master of Falcons! Show more
Tusk is painting a portrait of Ping Wing. Well, he’s trying to. Frustrated, he throws away his attempts. Show more
Tha Mùmantrobha airson cuidhteas fhaighinn de Mheanbhag. Mùmantrobha tries to get rid of Meanbhag. Show more
Tha Choirstaidh a’ toirt sùil air neach-ealain a thug buaidh oirre, an turas seo Frida Kahlo. Choirstaidh takes a look at an artist that inspires her - this time it's Frida Kahlo. Show more
Tha an uair a' ruith. Fosgail am bocsa! Time is getting on. Open the box!
Matilda and her friends are camping. As she enters the forest, Matilda touches a tree and it comes to life. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Scottish Premiership action on BBC ALBA with Hearts taking on Motherwell at Tynecastle. Commentary from Hugh Dan MacLennan. Show more
Julie Fowlis a’ lìbhrigeadh prògram de chàirdeasan ciùil à Siorrachd Inbhir Nis. Julie Fowlis presents a show of traditional music collaborations from Inverness-shire. Show more
Documentary series following vets across Scotland as they tend to a wide variety of animals. In this episode, Romain Pizzi is at the Wildlife Rescue Centre. Show more
Gary Dingwall shows us how to play the challenging 14th at Royal Dornoch called ‘Foxy’, and professional coach Keil Beveridge demonstrates his weekly top playing tip. Show more
Peat & Diesel a’ dèanamh na cuirme as motha aca fhathast aig na Barrowlands ann an Glaschu. Peat & Diesel play one of their biggest gigs yet at the iconic Glasgow Barrowlands. Show more
Le Mairi Anna NicUalraig agus Alistair Heather. Highlights from the 2021 Trad Awards. With Mary Ann Kennedy and Alistair Heather. Show more
Scottish Premiership action on BBC ALBA with Hearts taking on Motherwell at Tynecastle. Commentary from Hugh Dan MacLennan. Show more
Sùil air ais air ALT le ceòl bho Glasvegas, The Ninth Wave agus còmhradh le Bis. Highlights from ALT. Highlights from ALT featuring music from Glasvegas, The Ninth Wave and chat from Bis. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.