Tha Oona airson bhith na daibhear ealanta. Oona may need to accept help from her friends if she is to complete her deepest ever dive. Show more
When the burrow is flooded the family decide to go exploring the outdoors together. Show more
A’ cur seachad an latha còmhla, tha Mama ‘s Oona a’ tuigsinn g’ eil iad coltach ri chèile. Spending the day together, Mama and Oona discover that they are similar in many ways. Show more
Tha Otto ag ionnsachadh sgilean nan cailleachan-oidhch’ do dh'Oona ‘s Baba. Otto teaches Oona and Baba the tricks to being a skilful owl! Show more
Tha Oona a’ gabhail iomagain mu Flynne! Everyone struggles with the heat of the day, but it’s Flynne’s welfare that causes concern. Show more
Tha Oona a’ coinneachadh ri caraid ùr a tha a' gabhail làithean-saora air a’ Chreag. Oona makes friends with a special little bird who is visiting Puffin Rock. Show more
Tha Oona ann an staing uabhasach ‘s i air a dhol an sàs ann an sgudal-mara. Oona finds herself in great difficulty as she gets tangled up in ocean debris. Show more
The seagulls are busy building themselves new nests - right beside the puffin burrow! Show more
8 minutes
Tha Mama air slighe-ionmhais shònraichte a chur air dòigh gus Baba a chumail trang! Mama has organised a special treasure hunt to keep Baba occupied! Show more
Tha an teaghlach buthaid a' cuideachadh caraid ùr a shlighe a dhèanamh dhachaigh. The puffin family help a new friend make his way back home. Show more
Tha Bernie glacte am broinn na h-uamhaig! Rocks have fallen from the cliffs and landed in front of Bernie's grotto, trapping him! Show more
Tha Baba air turas-dàna cuide ri caraid ùr. Baba is determined to help his new friend Spiky find his way back to his mother. Show more
Preschool animation. Oona and Sily's plan to spend the day swimming with dolphins is brought to a halt when a strange creature scares Silky witless. Show more
Preschool animation. Oona and Otto’s plan to go and watch the 'salmon leap' runs into some challenges. Show more
Tha farspach a’ nochdadh air a’ chreag agus i ann an sunnd airson mi-mhodh. The great gull has made her way to Puffin Rock and is intent on causing all sorts of mischief. Show more
While out exploring with May and Mossy, Baba finds an extra-special gift to bring to Oona. Show more
Baba unintentionally takes off with Bernie’s best shell, wanting to show it to Oona. Show more
Silky has made a new friend, but is dismayed that Oona finds her to be a bit boring! Show more
Tha'd uile a' feitheamh ri fras nan rionnagan. The gang have made plans to go and watch the meteor shower – but there’s no sign of Silky! Show more
Tha Otto airson sealladh iongantach nan tairbh-nathrath a' sgèith a shealltainn do dh'Oona. Otto wants to show Oona the amazing sight of the dragonflies in flight. Show more