Tha Pompon ag iarraidh air a mhàthair gun innse do Rita gun do fhliuch e an leabaidh. Pompon asks his mother not to tell Rita that he wet the bed. Show more
Tha Pompon a' toirt corra bhoiteag dhan rùm aige ach chan eil an rùm rin càil. Pompon takes some worms to his room, but the room doesn't appeal to them. Show more
Tha Pompon 's Rita a' cladhach drèana gus uisge fhaighinn gu gàrradh glasraich Sheòrais. Pompon and Rita are busy digging a drain so as to get water to George's vegetable garden. Show more
Rita decides they will play 'Bus travels throughout the world'. Pompon is happy. Show more
Tha Seòras, athair Pompon, a' toirt leasan iasgaich do Phompon. Pompon's father Seòras teaches Pompon how to fish. Show more
Tha Pompon 's Gabi ri bàrdachd do Sheòras ach tha feum air stiùireadh bho Mhgr. Bìobhair. Pompon and Gabi prepare a poem for George but guidance is needed from Mr Beaver. Show more
Pompon has to find some flowers to put in the vase he made for his mum's birthday. Show more
Tha Pompon agus Rita ri cadal ann an teanta leotha fhèin airson a’ chiad uair. Pompon and Rita are sleeping on their own in a tent for the first time. Show more
Tha Pompon 's Rita nan dotairean 's iad a' toirt leighis do na seann dèideagan aig Pompon. Pompon and Rita are now doctors, and they are treating Pompon's old toys. Show more
Tha Pompon a' dèanamh a dhìcheall gus sunnd Rita a thogail agus a flùr' air seachdadh. Pompon tries his best to lift Rita's mood - she's sad due to her flower wilting. Show more
Tha Pompon airson a bhith ri tionnsgal fad na tìde an-diugh. Pompon wants to be improvising all the time today. Show more
Tha tachas mòr air Pompon ach tha làn fhios aig Mamaidh dè nì i mu dhèidhinn! Pompon is very itchy but Mamaidh knows exactly what to do about it! Show more
Le taic bho Rita, tha Pompon dol a lorg dachaigh ùr airson na seangain. With help from Rita, Pompon goes to find a new home for the ants. Show more
Tha cuirm-chiùil ann a-nochd agus tha aig Pompon ri e fhèin a ghlanadh ro làimh. There’s a concert on and Pompon must wash himself beforehand. Show more
Tha a h-uile sìon a’ dol ceàrr oir thòisich Pompon air a’ chois cheàrr an-diugh! Everything is going wrong today as Pompon sets off on the wrong foot! Show more
Tha Rita agus Pompon air bhioran oir tha dùil aca ri Sìthiche nam Fiaclan. Rita and Pompon are excited as they’re expecting the Tooth Fairy to visit.
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Tha aig Pompon ri bhaga fhèin a chur air dòigh 's e ag ullachadh 'son turas air falbh le phàrantan. Pompon packs his own bag when he prepares to go on a trip with his parents. Show more
Mamaidh has told Pompon a secret - she's arranged a party for Daddy's birthday - but how will Pompon keep the secret? Show more
Chaill Pompon èirigh na grèine leis gun robh aige ri fhiaclan a ghlanadh. Pompon missed the sun rising as he had to clean his teeth. Show more
Tha Pompon sona g' eil grioglachan ann le ainm, ach dè mu Rita bhochd. Pompon is happy to have a constellation named after him, but what about poor Rita! Show more