Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Gudrun agus Frida a’ cluich anns a’ choille agus a’ faicinn earb agus an laogh aice. Gudrun and her friend Frida encounter a roe deer doe in the forest. Show more
Tha parsail breòite ann an làmhan Phàdraig. Pat and Gibeag must deliver a new bulb to the lighthouse. Show more
Tha Izzy ag obair gu trang gus mearag mìorbhailteach mòr fhàs son duais aig Fèill na Sgìre. Izzy works hard to grow a huge marrow in the hope of winning a prize at the fair. Show more
The Abadas are enjoying a game of ball at the beach when the strong winds blow the ball out to sea! They find out that it isn't the only thing that moves in the wind. Show more
Tha dearbh fheum air rèoiteagan an-diugh oir tha e fìor bhlàth aig Sù Pìc. There’s a great need for ice pops today as it is a very hot day at the zoo. Show more
Mìcheal Hill a’ leughadh Na Trioblaidean aig Sioraf.
Michael Hill reads Na Trioblaidean aig Sioraf. Show more
Danger Mouse and Penfold get a taste of Thanksgiving in America. Show more
Tha an gaol a bh’ aig Ronia airson Mata air sgriosadh ‘s tha i a-nis ann am brionglaid. Ronia’s love for her father has gone and she also now feels confusion. Show more
Tha iad a’ buiceil air an trampoilin an-diugh agus cò tha cuide riutha ach a’ Bhanrìgh. They’re bouncing on the trampoline today and who else is there but the Queen.
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Tha Marisa ag aideachadh nach dèan I snàmh. Matilda confesses she can't swim, but Charlie doesn't believe her. Show more
It is late spring and lambing is fully underway. The peats get cut, and the first of the piglets arrive. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners, presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
History short looking at water-related activities through the years, from cliff jumping to water divining.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Gregor doesn’t have to go far from home to sample delicious baking. Up the road in Breasclete, he tastes fresh strawberry tarts made with sweet shortbread. Show more
An exploration of the life and career of Gaelic poet Sorley MacLean, whose work is celebrated today both nationally and internationally. Show more
Donnie tries out the latest Ford Mustang, while Linda takes the second generation Mini Clubman for a spin on the roads around Torridon. Show more
Slighean Sgoile an t-Saoghail/Most Dangerous Ways to School
Series 1
Slighe sgoile Mongolia/Ways to School in Mongolia
48 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
The ice covering on the Mongolian rivers is treacherous and ever-changing in appearance. Despite this, Tuguldur has to find a suitable point at which to cross the river. Show more
Calum a’ gabhail dealbh caran neo-àbhaisteach aig Sgùrr an Fhìdhleir ann an Asaint. Calum attempts to take an unusual photo at Sgùrr an Fhìdhleir (The Fiddler) in Assynt.
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The Gaelic comedy sketch show. Trump returns, on holiday in the homeland while Flo and Marge return in their search for drink. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.