Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn meatailt. Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s metal. Show more
Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn clach. Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s stone. Show more
Tha seillean glacte ann an uamhag Bhernie – an tig aig Oona ‘s Baba air a shàbhaladh? There’s a bee trapped in Bernie’s grotto - will Oona and Baba be able to save him? Show more
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 16: Padraig Post agus an Calman a th' air Chall
16 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
'S ann a tha Pàdraig a' lorg parsail an-diugh. Pat and Gibeag are sent on a mission to bring home Cedric the racing pigeon. Show more
Gaelic children's series about a little boy who discovers a pair of wellingtons which can grant wishes and begin an adventure. Show more
Tha Bing a’ cur Hoppity air sgèith ach ‘s e turas obann a tha gu bhith aig an dèideag! Bing is having fun making Hoppity fly but Hoppity is about to take an unexpected trip!
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Catriona Nic a’ Phì a’ leughadh An Cù-chaorach Iongantach. Catriona MacPhee reads An Cù-chaorach Iongantach. Show more
Tha na sgeulachdan aig Papa Mùman ‘s Mùmantrobha a cur cùisean triullainn sa Ghleann. The storytelling battle between Papa Mùman and Mùmantrobha gets out of hand, causing some mayhem. Show more
Tha sinn an dòchas nach bi duilgheadasan aca lem pòilean ‘s iad ri farpais leum-bata. Today it’s pole-vaulting, how will it go? Show more
Children's series. Timmy decides to help the hedgehogs find a resting place for the night but ends up leading them into a series of scrapes. Show more
Bring science to life with fun experiments to try at home. Create your own prehistoric paints, and make a sugar cube snow cave. Presented by Kerry Anne MacLeod and Allan MacDonald. Show more
Colin MacLeod explores the relationship between the Gaelic language and the hills and mountains of Scotland. In this programme he visits Torridon.
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
History short looking at martial arts.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Tha Sweeny a’ ceasnachadh cò ris a bhios an àm ri teachd coltach dha na chroitear làn ùine. Sweeny questions his future as a full time crofter.
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Documentary exploring the dramatic effect on health that a change of diet can provide. A family from Kilmuir attempt to alter their diet and their lifestyle. Show more
The community gathers for Anna's first birthday party and two unexpected guests arrive - one welcomed with open arms and the other uninvited. Show more
Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween present the best of the action from day one of the International Sheep Dog Trial in Aldsworth. Show more
Comedy drama. Muriel Scott is back with her online dating business. In this episode, she meets gym-obsessed Kenny and delivery driver Donella. But what about Muriel's love life? Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.