Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Linda NicLeòid agus a caraidean a’ deanamh sgonaichean le càise agus coirce. Linda Macleod and friends make tasty cheese and oat scones. Show more
Tha Shane a' cruthachadh dreach nas fhallain de roghainn bìdh Mario. Shane creates a healthier version of one of Mario's favourite dishes. Show more
Taghadh farsaing de dh’òrain bho Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh agus sgioba CBeebies ALBA. A selection of songs from Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh and the CBeebies ALBA presenters.
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Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s fabric. Show more
A friendly eagle helps Louie and Yoko shelter from the wind. Tha Iolaire chàirdeil a' cuideachadh Lùthaidh agus Annag fasgadh fhaighinn bhon ghaoith
Tha Bing a' coinneachadh ri caraid catail... ach 's dòcha nach eil an cat seo cho càirdeil! Bing meets a new feline friend who isn't quite so friendly! Show more
Tha Bing airson beàrnan-brìde a thoirt do Sula ach am faigh e thuic’ e gun a' bhriseadh? Bing wants to bring Sula a dandelion clock but can he carry it without it blowing away? Show more
Tha na sgeulachdan aig Papa Mùman ‘s Mùmantrobha a cur cùisean triullainn sa Ghleann. The storytelling battle between Papa Mùman and Mùmantrobha gets out of hand, causing some mayhem. Show more
That tòrr “phressure” ann an-diugh ‘s iad air crann-cothromachaidh neo-àbhaisteach. They’re under a lot of pressure today when they attempt to compete on an unusual balance beam.
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Tha athair Tadeas gu math sònraichte ach chan eil Tadeas ro thoilichte mun a seo. Tadeas’ father is unique, but Tadeas doesn’t necessarily see this as a good thing. Show more
Ellen NicDhòmhnaill le taghadh de na naidheachdan as annasaiche a tha ri chluinntinn air BBC ALBA. Ellen introduces her personal highlights from the craziest news show on BBC ALBA! Show more
Tha Resus gus a mhiann fhaighinn - son pris! Resus sees an opportunity to become a true vampire, but his wish comes at a great cost. Show more
Children's series. Conflict erupts when the pigs muscle in on Shaun's private club and steal all the pizza. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Benedict Morris ’s a chòmhlan, Pablo Lafuente agus Ryan Murphy bho Na Trads, 2019. Benedict Morris, Pablo Lafuente and Ryan Murphy perform at Na Trads in 2019.
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Ceòl bhon chòmhlan Skerryvore aig Na Trads agus iad a' cluich 'Take My Hand'. Music from acclaimed band Skerryvore performing 'Take My Hand' at the Trad Awards.
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Gaels reflect on their experience of National Service in the 1950s.
A' toirt air leabhar cheannanais. Exploring the Book of Kells.
Iain MacFhionghain le laoidhean, sailm agus sgeulachdan pearsanta mu chreideamh. Iain Mackinnon with psalms, hymns and personal faith stories. Show more
Anne Lundon takes to the road for a journey along Ireland’s spectacular Wild Atlantic Way. Tha Anne Lundon a gabhail a stiuir airson Slighe iongantach a Chosta an Iar na h-Eireann. Show more
Great Dane nach urrainn coiseachd, Romain Pizzi le dearc mòr is Ealasaid Dick le caoraich. A paralysed Great Dane, Romain Pizzi tackles a large lizard and Ealasaid Dick is busy lambing. Show more
Claire questions Isla about the information she and Donneil discovered, but it is Isla and Sarah Jane who reveal a shocking truth which rocks Claire. Show more
A conversation with Ceitidh takes Claire a step closer to the truth about what happened to Pàdruig, and a witness reveals to her what they saw. Show more
Iain Glen ann an dràma goirid stèidhichte air òran breagha Fhionnlagh MhicNèill, Dh'Eirich na Deòir. Short drama based on Finlay MacNeill's song, The Tears Welled. Show more
Documentary examining the case of Jessie King, who in 1889 was hanged in Edinburgh for the murder of her three adopted children. Show more
The unique diversity of the Commonwealth ‘Islands of the Queen’. A’ taisbeanadh nan eadar-dhealachaidhean eadar ‘Eileanan Cho-fhlaitheis na Bànrighe’.
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Series in which Calum Maclean shares his passion for swimming in remote, cold rivers and lochs. In this episode, Calum is at Spar Cave. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.