Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Linda NicLeòid agus a caraidean a’ dèanamh mìlseag le rùbarab. Linda Macleod is joined by Cara and Calvin to make a delicious rhubarb pudding. Show more
Kit & Pup investigate the world of opposites - today it’s hot and cold. Show more
Taghadh farsaing de dh’òrain bho Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh agus sgioba CBeebies ALBA. A selection of songs from Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh and the CBeebies ALBA presenters.
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Word has spread that Shane's new soup is incredibly tasty and so everyone descends upon the cafe to try a bowl. Show more
The fair has come to Happy Valley. Gareth and Gwen love to go on all their favourite rides, especially the merry-go-round. Show more
Tha Lùthaidh a' dèanamh dealbh de choileach. Louie draws a cockerel.
Tha Bing agus Sula a’ lorg buntàta, a tha iad ag ainmeachadh ‘s a’ toirt a chluich leotha. Bing and Sula find a funny potato that they name and adopt as their new playmate. Show more
Tha toll ann an tè dha na bòtannan aig Bing ach chan eil e airson an caitheamh air falbh. There’s a hole in one of Bing’s yellow wellies but he is very reluctant to throw them away Show more
Tha stoirm air a bhith sa ghleann ‘s tha i air rudan inntinneach fhàgail air a cùlaibh. There’s been a storm in the valley and it has left some interesting treasures in its wake. Show more
B' fheàrr dhaibh uile a bhith faiceallach an-diugh ‘s iad ri boghadaireachd. Everyone should be careful today as Fearchar is attempting archery. Show more
Bidh Miko ag aisling mu sòmbaidhean, aislingean a tha cur an dearg eagal air, 's a tha fìor. Miko has nightmares about zombies, ones that scare him, and could be real. Show more
Tha obair-dachaigh na dhragh mhòr do Luke. The more Luke chooses to ignore his homework, the bigger his problems become. Show more
Children's series. Bitzer, Shaun and Flock are convinced that a monster is at loose on the farm and hide in the barn. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Malinky a' cluich The Term Time aig Na Trads '15. Malinky play The Term Time at the 2015 Trads.
A documentary programme in which Gaels reflect on their experience of national service in the 1950s.
Mass from St Mary's church in Bornish led by the late Canon John Angus Galbraith. Recorded in 2005. Show more
Iain MacFhionghain le laoidhean, sailm agus sgeulachdan pearsanta mu chreideamh. Iain Mackinnon with psalms, hymns and personal faith stories. Show more
Anne Lundon takes to the road for a journey along Ireland’s spectacular Wild Atlantic Way. Tha Anne Lundon a gabhail a stiuir airson Slighe iongantach a Chosta an Iar na h-Eireann. Show more
The Tiree watersports club is a big hit with youngsters on the island, and Tiree musicians take centre stage at the Tiree Music Festival. Show more
Le Iain a' caithris Fhionnlaigh, tha e ann an èiginn gus Donna a lorg. Finlay's condition is critical and Iain is desperate to find Donna. Show more
Tha Màiri, Sarah Jane agus càch a' toirt an aghaidh air Pàdruig 's a' cur ruaig air. Pàdruig is confronted and run out of town. Show more
John Morrison tells the story of Donald Merrett, a career criminal who murdered both his wife and mother-in-law, but did he also kill his own mother? Show more
The unique diversity of the Commonwealth ‘Islands of the Queen’. A’ taisbeanadh nan eadar-dhealachaidhean eadar ‘Eileanan Cho-fhlaitheis na Bànrighe’. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.