Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Linda NicLeòid agus a caraidean a’ dèanamh risotto le feòil-circe. Linda and friends make a delicious risotto with chicken and red pepper. Show more
Kit and Pup investige the world of opposites - today it’s stop and start. Show more
Kit and Pup investigate the world of opposites - today it’s fast and slow. Show more
Tha bacadh ga chur air dùbhlan còcaireachd Shane 's a mhuc aig Magaidh mu sgaoil sa Braille. Shane's latest culinary challenge is interrupted when Magaidh's prize pig escapes. Show more
The children enjoy a walk to discover the shapes and colours of the autumn leaves. Later they make a picture with everything they've found. Show more
Louie draws a Loch Ness monster, who turns out to be very shy. Show more
Tha dealan-dè a’ nochdadh san sgoil-àraich ‘s tha Bing son an creutair a chuideachadh. A little butterfly flies into the crèche and Bing wants to help it return outside. Show more
Tha Bing a’ dèanamh dealbh le cailc ach tha an t-uisge a’ sgrios a chuid obair. Bing makes a lovely chalk drawing outside, but the rain comes and ruins his work. Show more
Tha Papa ag innse mu cho dàna ‘s a bha e na òige le bhith cur dealbh chluich air dòigh. In his new play, Papà Mùman tells of his adventures as a young Mùman. Show more
Tha cùisean doirbh do Emo aig campa an t-samhraidh – gus an dèan caraidean cobhair air. Emo struggles with life at summer camp, until some new friends help him find his way. Show more
Ellen a’ toirt sùil air ais air cuid de na caractaran iongantach a thadhail air CBBC Alba. Ellen introduces some of the surprising characters who have visited the CBBC Alba studio. Show more
Tha Otto ri miastadh turas eile. Will the friends be able to stop the evil Otto stealing from the rest of the street? Show more
Children's series. Shaun decides to take on the role of Bitzer's therapist in an attempt to stop shredding the Farmer's mail. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Ceòl bhon chòmhlan Skerryvore aig Na Trads agus iad a' cluich 'Take My Hand'. Music from acclaimed band Skerryvore performing 'Take My Hand' at the Trad Awards.
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Gaels reflect on their experience of National Service in the 1950s.
Worship service from The Church of Scotland in Tarbert on the Isle of Harris, led by Rev. Donald John Morrison. Show more
Iain Mac'ìllemhìcheil a' tadhal air Eaglais na h-Alba air feadh na Roinn-Eòrpa. John Carmichael explores the Church of Scotland, in locations throughout Europe. Show more
History short looking at caring for each other, including clowns in hospitals and a football match between nurses and patients. Show more
Anne Lundon takes to the road for a journey along Ireland’s spectacular Wild Atlantic Way. Tha Anne Lundon a gabhail a stiuir airson Slighe iongantach a Chosta an Iar na h-Eireann. Show more
Preparations are under way for the busiest weekend of the year as the Tiree Music Festival is held on the island. Show more
Tha àimhreit a' toirt air Isla teicheadh. Gaelic drama series. A row with Sarah Jane makes Isla flee from Camus. Show more
Tha Sarah Jane ag innse na fìrinn do Chailean. Sarah Jane is forced to reveal the awful truth about her past to Cailean. Show more
Sgeulachdan-beatha an luchd-ciùil iognantach a chruthaich e agus a thug cumadh air. Biographies of the fascinating trailblazers who created and shaped country music. Show more
Fiolm goirid le Kate Dickie, a' togail air òran ainmeil Sheonag NicCoinnich, 'A Nighean Nan Geug'. Dramatic retelling of Joan Mackenzie's evocative song 'Girl of the Branches'. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.