Belgian drama series. Rene helps Paul to locate a diamond merchant who may be able to identify the source of the diamond he retrieved from Jacky Lanciers' safe. Show more
Belgian drama series. Burton and his henchman get away with the incriminating flash drive as Vic Adams arrives to find the badly injured Paul. Show more
Belgian drama series. Paul is in despair thinking that Sofie has been abducted, but she is unaware of his concerns as she arrives with Jamie at their French seaside hideout. Show more
Belgian crime drama series. Martine tells Antony, Chrissie and Alain that if the incriminating film of Bombe is still at Gerardi's house, she has a plan to retrieve it. Show more
Belgian drama series. Paul breaks into Rudy Desmet's house to question him about the Kitangi diamonds, where Rudy admits to making several necklaces from the illicit stones. Show more
Crime drama. As Gerardi searches Jacky's apartment, he realises he has disturbed intruders. He and Danny give chase, but Danny is seriously injured when Paul crashes their car. Show more
Belgian crime thriller series. Paul Gerardi is called to the case of the assassination of a Kitangian refugee in Brussels. Show more
Flemish political thriller series. On witnessing the assassination of Urbain and hearing of the death of his informant Strubbe, Geradi now knows his suspicions are correct. Show more
Flemish political thriller series. A gang break into the vaults of a private bank in Brussels and target 66 safety deposit boxes, stealing only certain valuables and documents. Show more
Flemish crime serial. Gerardi discovers that a member of the Royal family has been involved in a scandal which has been hushed up by Guy Rasenberg and the Salamander organisation. Show more
Flemish crime drama series. As Paul flees the monastery, he realises that his daughter will be targeted by the goverment agents, so hastens to her school only to find her missing. Show more
Flemish crime drama series. Gerardi is finally persuaded by Persigal to join the elite P9 agency with instructions to discover who is behind the break in at the Jonkhere bank. Show more
Flemish drama series. Being pursued by unknown forces, Paul takes shelter in the monastery where his former boss Carl Cassimon has retreated, to ask for his help. Show more
Flemish crime drama series. Knowing that he was the intended victim of the car bomb which killed his wife, Gerardi follows the only lead he has - Karin Rasenberg. Show more
Flemish drama series. At a meeting with the prime minister, the minister of justice is told that the palace is calling for heads to roll in the case that is paralysing the country. Show more
Belgian drama series. When he hears that the suspect Mercier is dead, Paul is convinced that his death cannot have been from natural causes. Show more
Belgian crime drama series. Paul is horrified to realise that he has been betrayed by Rene when his friend arrives to represent Jacky and warns her not to trust him. Show more
Belgian crime drama series. Sofie and Jamie arrange a rendezvous in Brussels for him to hand over the flash drive to her father. Their conversation is monitored by P9. Show more
Flemish fictional series. Wolfs, the man behind the Jonkhere bank raid, instructs Klaus to send out the envelopes of incriminating evidence to more members of Salamander. Show more
Thriller. Sam and Gemma are pulling together and join Julien in a desperate race against time as they track the abductor. Show more