Last year, astronomers announced the discovery of a new class of heavenly body-the' quasi-stellar objects,' or ' quasars.' This discovery came at a time when there were already certain trends in astrophysics towards a rethinking of fundamental physical laws; and it has led to claims that we need ' new kind of physics ' to explain the observations.
This evening three programmes which review the situation are being re-broadcast.
1: Quasars by DENNIS SCIAMA of the Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Cambridge
Dr. Sciama explains some of the theoretical difficulties which arise from the discovery of quasi-stellar objects.
Second broadcast: previously broadcast in the ' Night Sky In the Third Network
This series of talks is now available as a BBC booklet and can be obtained by sending a cheque or crossed postal order for 3s. to BBC Publications. [address removed]. or by ordering through your bookseller.
See page 60
Ballo ditto il Picchi
(Giovanni Picchi )
Concerto in G major (Bach) after an unknown master on gramophone records
2: Beyond Einstein? by C. W. KILMISTER
Reader in Mathematics, King's College, London
Dr. Kilmister discusses why many physicists are dissatisfied with Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
Second broadcast: previously broadcast in 'Science Survey' in the Third Network
Sonata in G minor played by CHRISTIAN FERRAS (violin)
PIERRE Barbizet (piano) on a gramophone record
3: A New Theory of Gravitation
Fred HOYLE , F.R.S.
Plumian Professor of Theoretical Astronomy in the University of Cambridge describes some features of a new theory presented by himself and Dr. J. V. Narlikar in a paper to the Royal Society in June, which removes some of the difficulties of Einstein's theory
HERMANN Bondi , F.R.S. Professor of Applied Mathematics,
King's College, London adds a comment
Second broadcast
A new play for radio by Brigid Brophy
Three Americans are on vacation in an Itahan palazzo and are finding that it lacks the comforts of home.....
Third broadcast
Conductor, DAVID Willcocks
Concert given on July 31 in Holy
Trinity Church. Stratford-upon-Avon. as part of the 1964 Shakespeare Anniversary Festival