Sonata in E flat major Haydn Society No. 49 played by Andre Tchaikowsky
Twenty-seventh in a series of weekly recitals including all Haydn's fifty-two piano sonatas.
Sonatas 60 and 61, played by John Ogdon : July 11
A series of four discussions about Britain today
A discussion between
Anthony Crosland , M.P. Economist and Donald MacRae
Professor of Sociology at
London School of Economic-
Both speakers see signs of stagnation in some sectors of our society. In this discussion they seek the underlying causes of this malaise.
La Foire d'Empoigne by JEAN ANOUILH
See foot of page and page 33
A reading by Jean Anouilh of Act 1 of the play: Wednesday at 8.50
BBC Chorus
Frederick Stone (piano)
Cecil Aronowitz (viola)
Quintin Ballardie (viola) Eileen Grainger (viola) Joy Hall (cello)
Bernard Richards (cello)
Francis Baines (double-bass)
Conductor, Peter Gellhorn
by T. G. Rosenthal
The Swedish writer JOHAN AUGUST STRINDBERG died on May 14, 1912, at the age of sixty-three. Mr. Rosenthal considers the evidence for the traditional view of him as the great misogynist.
: second broadcast