Pro Musica Antiqua Brussels
Safford Cape Complainte : Tels rit au main qui au soir pleure
Triple Ballade: De triste cuer;
Certes-je di; Quant vrais amans
Ballades: Nes que on porrait les estoilles nombrer
Virelai: De tout sui si confortée
Double Ballade: Quant Theseus;
Ne quier veoir on a gramophone record
A play for radio by MIODRAG PAVLOVIC adapted from the Serbian by Dorian Cooke
: second broadcast
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Charles Groves PART 1
A group of five talks on l'esprit laic
3: Institutions and Men by John Rex
Lecturer in Social Studies in the University of Leeds
Mr. Rex lays emphasis on three factors in social institutions which he thinks sociologists neglect, namely creative minorities, internal conflicts, and the layman. ' A study which fails to take them into account can have little but ideological significance.'
This is NORMAN MAILER 'S description of America in his latest book Advertisements for Myself. In a wide-ranging conversation with Colin Maclnnes , he gives his reasons for this judgment and talks equally frankly about the British literary scene, psycho-analysis, religion, politics, pornography, the war novel, and other topics.
played by the Dartington String Quartet Colin Sauer (violin) Peter Carter (violin) Keith Lovell (viola)
Michael Evans (cello)
The last of ten programmes including Mozart's ' Ten ' Quartets