Patricia Clark (soprano)
John. Whitworth (counter-tenor)
Gerald English (tenor)
John Frost (bass)
Ambrosian Singers
Barry Rose (organ continuo)
English Chamber Orchestra Leader. Emanuel Hurwitz
Conducted by Arnold Goldstorough
Part 1: Rameau
In CONVERTENDO (Psalm 126)
A series of talks' commenting on current legal issues
KASY TERMS? by J. W. A. Thornely
Fellow of Sidney Sussex College. Cambridge
Does the hire-purchase law favour one contracting party at the other's expense? And, if so, is the hirer better off or the finance company? If the purchaser cannot go on with the hiring, is it best for him to own up at once, or remain silent and risk an action?
And what happens if the goods prove defective? Mr. Thornely considers these questions in assessing the adequacy of the existing law.
Part 2: Handel
Dixrr Dominus (Psalm 109)
by a consultant neurologist
Sufferers from minor injuries often plead that they are completely unable to return to work-until their legal claims have been settled in the courts.
This year's Milroy Lecture discusses the status of this curious syndrome.
Kupt Bauer and Heidi Bung pianos
A review of recently published books of verse by Thomas Blackburn Thorn Gunn
Elizabeth Jennings Bernard Spencer R S. Thomas John Wain
Introduced by Roy Fuller with selected poems read by Hugh Dickson , Penelope Lee and Allan McClelland