See foot of page
Act 1
Poems selected and introduced by the author
Readers: Joan Murray Simpson and Ruth Fitter
Act 2
A shortened version of the last of a group of talks recently broadcast by Tibor Mende
After a return visit to India, Japan, and China, M. Mende calls for a new Western approach to these and to other under-developed countries.
Act 3
A weekly review of the arts
This edition includes:
Clive Barnes on the Jerome Robbins Ballet at the Empire Theatre, Edinburgh, and Jeremy Noble on the Stockholm Royal Opera Company's production of Blomdahl's Aniara at the King's Theatre. Edinburgh
A radio poem of shipwreck by J. M. Weston with Anne Cullen , Yvonne Hills
Martina Mayne , Frank Atkinson
Arthur Bush , Nicky Edmett Garard Green. Noel Johnson
Eric Phillips. Ian Sadler
Produced by Terence Tiller
Sonatas for unaccompanied violin with harpsichord pieces by French composers played by Manoug Parikian (violin) Ruth Dyson (harpsichord)
The lirst of three programmes including Ysaye's six sonatas for unaccompanied violin.