Julius Isserlis (piano)
Nikolaus Pevsner 's architectural impressions of New Zealand
Popular Songs and Instrumental Pieces
Singers in Consort:
Andrew Pearmain. John Ford
Richard Wood
Owen Grundy. John Frost
Haroldi Lester (harpsichord) Director, Richard Wood
Stanley Taylor Recorder Consort:
Richard Taylor , Christopher Taylor
Reiner Schuelein. Stanley Taylor
Last of five programmes of English secular music of the 16th and early 17th centuries.
A study of Thomas Hood (1799-1846)
Written and narrated by Patric Dickinson
[Starring] Carleton Hobbs
with Beryl Calder, Patience Collier, Ella Milne, Molly Rankin, John Brycing, Felix Felton, Denis Goacher, Malcolm Graeme, Charles Hodgson, Anthony Viccars and Geoffrey Wincott
Production by Joe Burroughs
(A new production of the programme originally broadcast on October 8, 1957)
Wind Quintet in B flat Op. M No. 1 Wind Quintet In G minor; Op. 66 No. 3 played by the Dennis Brain Wind Ensemble:
Gareth Morris. Leonard Brain Stephen Waters, Cecil James
Neill Sanders
(The recorded broadcast of Sept. 13)