Peter Ure talks about two recent critical books: Romantic Image by Frank Kermode , and The Romantic Survival by John Bayley.
Both books include an extended study of the poetry of W. B. Yeats ; both writers ' share the conviction that Yeats solved the problem that had nagged away at his predecessors, about the relation of poetry to life, and the poem to action.'
Alan Lomax introduces folk music recorded on his travels
1—America: the Ballad Singers
Produced by Sasha Moorsom
America-Harmony and Hill-Billy: July 7
London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. Hugh Maguire )
Conducted by Leopold Stokowski
From the Royal Festival Hall, London
Part 1
'Tout comprendre ... *
Talk on the comprehensive school by Margaret Miles
Head Mistress of Mayfield School. Putney
The comprehensive school has become a quasi-political issue and the subject of wordy warfare between preconceived theories. Speaking as a practising educationist, Miss Miles sees it rather as the reasonable solution of a practical educational problem. In a society which really accepts the principle of secondary education for ail, is not the common secondary school a logical consequence?
Part 2
Compiled and edited by Brian Way from the published diaries of Virginia Woolf
Produced by Terence Tiller
Variations on Pretty Polly, Op. 75 Sonata in F sharp minor. Op. 81 played by Tomford Harris (piano)
First of two talks by H. N. Southern of the Bureau of Animal Population,
University of Oxford
Mass: Pange Lingua
Philippe Caillard Vocal Ensemble
Director, Philippe Caillard on a gramophone record