by Francis Watson and Maurice Brown
Four programmes illustrating the life, work, and personality of the Mahatma: drawn from the recorded memories of those who knew him in South Africa. India, and England.
3-Gandhi in England
Edited and narrated by Francis Watson
The recorded voices of those taking part include: The Earl of Halifax. Viscount Templewood. Lord Pdhick-Lawrence. Gilbert Murray. H. N. Brailsford. Verrier Elwin, Glorney Bolton, Horace Alexander, C. H. Haworth. Muriel Lester, Martha Rutherston, Mrs. Barton, Albert Docker, Clare Sheridan, Miraben
(Miss Slade), Sir Mirza Ismail. Apa Pant. M. R. Javakar. B. R. Ambedkar , Dr. Ashraf, Raja Hutheesingh , G. D. Birla , B. Prem , Pyarelal Nayar. and Kaka Kalelkar
Production by Maurice Brown
Music drama in a prelude and three acts by Wagner
(sung in German)
(Chorus-Master, Wilhelm Pitz )
Producer, Wieland Wagner
PRELUDE: The Valkyries' rock
At 1
Scene I: The hall of the Gibichungi on the Rhine
Scene 2: The Valkyries' rock
Talk by W. L. Burn
Professor of Modern History at
King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne
Reviewing the recently published book The Colonial Office by Sir Charles Jeffries , Professor Burn contrasts the complexity of the Office today with the situation of a century ago, and reflects on the implications for Colonial policy.
In front of the hall of the Gibichungs
A chronicle of the development
I of English drama from its beginnings to the 1580s
(EEC recording)
Full details of the thirteen programmes in the series are contained in The First Stage, a handbook by John Barton , which may be obtained through newsagents and booksellers or post free by postal order for 2s. 6d. from BBC Publications, [address removed]
Act 3
Scene 1: A wooded place on the Rhine Scene 2: The hall of the Gibichungs
A New Awareness in France
Pierre Emmanuel discusses the present situation
Gwendolen Mason
Dennis Brain , Neill Sanders
Edmund Chapman , Alfred Cursue