by G.P Welles , F.R.S.
University College, London
(A recorded version of the inaugural lecture given by Professor Wells at University College : previously broadcast on Oct. 26, 1955)
(soprano) with Frederick Stone (piano)
Songs by Mussorgsky and Borodin
T.E. Utley reviews
CanonCharles Smyth 's book
Chorale Prelude: I stand before thy throne (Bach, arr. Klemm and Weymar)
The Motion :
"This House refuses to put its trust in politics"
Proposed by : Mr. Michael Brown (Wadham,
Mr. Keith Thompson (New College, Librarian and Mr. W.J. Brown
Opposed by : Mr. Roy Dickson (Exeter, Ex
Mr. Martin Rosenhead (St John's College, Cambridge, President of the Cambridge
Union and Mr. R.H.S. Cross-man M.P. (New College)
In the chair :
Mr. Alec Grant (Merton) President of the Union
Sonata in E minor for viola and harpsichord :
Rudolf Nel and Li Stadelman
by John Gower (? 1327-1408)
Shortened version in modern English
Arranged and produced by Terence Tiller
Third of six parts :