Talk by Leon Edel author of Henry James : the Untried Years, 1843-1870
Two years ago Leon Edel , Professor of English at Washington Square College, New York University, published the first volume of what is to be a three-volume biography of Henry James. He is now working on the second volume, which will cover Henry James's middle years from 1870-1895.
In this talk he defines his own conception of the biographer's art. He stresses the need to penetrate through the mass of documents to the living consciousness of his subject, to transmute chronological time into human time.
A new play by Philip Vellacott
Music by Anthony Bernard
Radio adaptation and production by Raymond Raikes
' So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men ' (Shakespeare)
'The world it was the old world yet,
I was I, my things were wet'
Characters in order of speaking:
London Chamber Orchestra
(Leader, Thomas Carter )
Conducted by the composer
The scene is the island of Ogygia in the Mediterranean Sea. The action of the play covers a period of fifty-seven years in about the thirteenth century B.C.
Comic opera in two acts by Donizetti
Original French text by J. H. V. de Saint-Georges and J. F. A. Bayard
Sung in Italian: on records
Cast in order of singing:
Chorus and Orchestra of Radio Italiana
The action takes place in the Tyrol during the Napoleonic wars
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
by Matthew Arnold
Read by Cecil Bellamy
Suite No. 1 for unaccompanied cello
.played by Zara Nelsova
This is the first of three recitals of Reger's cello suites.
A group of three talks by Harold Nicolson
I-The Chinese system of etiquette and the principles of bienséance at the court of Louis Quatorze.
Sonata in E flat, Op. 122 played by Maria Donska (piano)