Sonata in B flat. Op. posth. played by Artur Schnabel (piano) on gramophone records
by Arland Ussher
A talk arising out of a reading of John Middleton Murry's recently published critical biography.
Trio on popular Irish melodies played by the Rubbra-Gruenberg-Pleeth Trio:
Erich Gruenberg (violin)
William Pleeth (cello)
Edmund Rubbra (piano)
' The Materials Discovered'
First of two talks by the Rev. H. H. Rowley
Professor of Semitic Languages and Literature, University of Manchester In 1947 some ancient scrolls were discovered in a cave near the Dead Sea which proved to be of outstanding importance and aroused world-wide interest. Since then other caves in the area have been explored and other discoveries made. In this talk Professor Rowley gives some account of the materials discovered in the caves of Qumran, Murabba'at, and El Mird; and in his second talk, on Friday at 6.45, he surveys some of the discussions that have followed the discoveries and talks about the significance of the new material that has come to light. Much of this new material has not yet been published.
Echoes from James Boswell's tour with Dr. Johnson to the Western Isles in the summer of 1773 Written and narrated by Moray McLaren
Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
with Calum Johnston (pipes) and Ian Whyte (harpsichord)
Suite: Orphee
Scherzo a la russe Scenes de ballet
Suite: L'Oiseau de feu played by the Symphony Orchestra of Radiotelevisione Italiana Conducted by the composer
First of two talks by Geoffrey Barra clough, who has recently been revisiting Austria.
London Chamber Singers
Conductor, Anthony Bernard
Motet: Derelinquat impius viam suam
Secular madrigal: Soave fia it morir
Spiritual madrigal: Vergine. quante lagrime ho gia sparte
Motet: Veni. Sancte Spiritus
Motets (Song of Songs, Nos. 7-10):
Fasciculus myrrae: Ecce tu pulcher es; Tota pulchra es; Vulnerasti cor meum
Motet: Ave, Regina coelorum Offertoria: Laudate Dominum