Mass in C (Dominicus)
Kyrie; Gloria; Credo; Sanctus:
Benediotus: Agnus Dei
Eilidh McNa. b (soprano)
Pamela Bowden (contralto)
Lloyd Strauss-Smith (tenor)
George Jiames (bass)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgaite )
Charles Spinks (organ)
London Chamber Orchestra
(Leader, Andrew Cooper )
Conductor, Anthony Bernard From Hampstead Parish Church,
This is the second of a series of programmes of lesser-known dhoral works by Mozart. The Mass in C minor (K.139) will be broadcast on March 26.
Mozart wrote the Mass in C (K.66) in Salzburg when he was thirteen. He composed it for the ordination of Cajetan Hagenauer (a son of the Mozart family's landlord), who had entered the Benedictine monastery of St. Peter some years before, when the Mozarts were on their grand tou.r of Europe. The work was performed at the monastery on October 15 1769, when Hagenauer celebrated his first solemn Higth Mass as ' Pater Dominicus '—hence its title. Four years later it was given at rhe Imperial Court in Vienna, with Leopold Mozart conducting. D.C.
by W.B. Yeats
with music specially composed by John Buckland
The orchestra conducted by Patrick Savill
Radio adaptation and production by Frederick Bradnum
Cast in order of speaking:
The place is first at an open space between three streets just before dawn; then in the castle throne-room the same morning.
The Player Queen is play with a terrible theme: it says that evil can triumph in the contemporary world, and it shows this happening. But the prophetic message is only apparent upon reflection, which is probably as it should be. The symbolism never intrudes into the action. The play is essentially entertainment, at times extremely funny in a clownish, knock-about way. Septimus, the drunken poet, is almost a comic figure, a man whose enjoyment of his own behaviour obscures the tragedy of that behaviour. (F.B.)
Max Rostal (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Eugene Goossens
Part 1
Talk by the Rev. Canon C.E. Raven, D.D., F.B.A.
The speaker assesses the status of Sigmund Freud as a scientist and the value of his influence. Canon Raven bases his talk on the first volume of Sigmund Freud - Life and Work, by Dr. Ernest Jones. This first volume deals with the young Freud.
Part 2
Four illustrated talks by Maud Karpeles
3-The Repertory of the English Folk Singer
Illustrations sung by Isla Camteron and Patrick Shuldham-Shaw
A story from 'Dubliners' by James Joyce
Read by Robert Mooney
This story was based on an incident occurring when the two brothers James and Stanislaus Joyce played truant from school. The incident was described by Stanisiaus Joyce in the talk broadcast on February 21.
Das wohltemperiente Clavier,
Book 1
Five Preludes and Fugues:
No. 1, in C; No. 2, in C minor;
No. 5, in D; No. 7, in E flat;
No. 8, in E flat minor played by Wanda Landowska (harpsichord) on gramophone, records