Partita No. 1, in B flat
Prelude; Allemande; Courante: Saraband; Minuet 1 and 2; Jig played by Rosalyn Tureck (piano)
Second of three programmes
Talk by Dilys Powell
A talk on Dylan Thomas' experimental film scenario The Doctor and the Devils which is based on the Burke and Hare murders and has the enigmatic Dr. Knox, ' The Anatomist,' as the central figure.
by Jean Anouilh
English version by Denis Cannan
Adapted for broadcasting and produced by Wilfrid Grantham
Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by Heron Carvic and Anthony Creighton
Scene: Paris in the year 1900
* Colombe is about the theatre. Or, more accurately, its background is the theatre. As to what it is about, it will be no surprise to anyone that M. Anouilh is again going on about the transience of love, a theme which has obsessed him profitably, on and off, throughout his career as a dramatist ... *
Myra Verney (soprano)
Joan Davies (piano)
The Boyd Neel Orchestra
(Leader, Granville Jones ) Conductor, Boyd Neel
A lecture by Professor Gunnar Myrdal
Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva
Ensemble Vocal Marceil Couraud
Conductor, Marcel Couraud
Grandes pieces descriptives.Jannequin
La bataille de Marignan; Le chant des oiseaux: Les cris de Paris; Le chant de l'alouette
A discussion of recent New Testament work by G.D. Kilpatrick, Dean Ireland's Professor of Exegesis of Holy Scripture, Oxford University
Since the publication by Jeremias of Abendmahle there has been lively discussion about the nature of the meal of which Jesus partook with his disciples on the night he was betrayed. In this talk Professor Kilpatrick, who has been involved in this discussion, seeks to answer the question.
David Martin (violin) Iris Loveridge (piano)